Thursday, November 23, 2023

Affirmative Prayer for Connecting to Innate Harmony

The Universe is abundantly filled with blessings. The essence of life, which is eternal and infinite, remains constant in its nature of love, peace, order, and balance. A guiding harmony exists, leading all of life towards its most perfect expression, and grace is plentiful.

I am in unity with life, sharing in its love and peace. Life manifests its perfect harmony through me, and also expresses peace and love in my actions and being.

I acknowledge a potent connection to the innate harmony that resides within me. During times of change, I allow myself to be guided by this inner wisdom and harmony. The peace and love emanating from the Spirit illuminate my path as I adapt to life's changes. My core nature consistently returns me to a state of perfect balance. I seamlessly integrate into life just as life integrates into me. I am confident that I am safe, guided, and protected, and I permit the finest aspects of myself to emerge.

I am grateful for this newfound understanding of my true essence, especially as it manifests during transitional times.

I release this prayer, allowing it to be so.

And so it becomes.

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