Saturday, January 11, 2014

A Prayer for Healing In Times of Loss

A Prayer for Healing In Times of Loss by Pamela Heck, RScP

Compassionate Mother, Father, God…Spirit of Loving Comfort in times of loss, I know that you are fully present in both joy and sorrow. No matter what challenge presents itself on life’s journey, I cannot absent myself from your sweet presence nor remove myself from your care. Even in the midst of profound grief and loss, Spirit is there, waiting only for an opening to be fully revealed. I accept this opening for myself and for all who grieve.

I accept a sense of peace and safety, and I allow this peace and safety to reveal itself gently, knowing that grief is part of the healing process. I am able to move through this process step-by-step in my own way, and in my own time, without judgment. I am restored and renewed into a profound peace of body, mind and soul. As my heart undergoes this profound healing process, I affirm that a great healing has also taken place for my loved one. I find comfort in the knowledge that life is eternal. The earthly body that no longer serves is left behind. In our passing, we are healed and renewed into a new life, but the love we have given so freely continues to enrich the lives of all who knew and loved us.

Gratefully I give thanks for my loved one’s new life. Gratefully I accept a deepening sense of peace and purpose in my own life.

 Gratefully I release this, my word, expecting and accepting its return made manifest.


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