Friday, June 13, 2014

Affirmative Prayer for Abundance

Affirmative Prayer for Abundance By Trish Watkins 

Purpose:  I am abundant in all areas of my life.

Recognition: There is One Power and Presence in the Universe.  This one is God.  God is the All-Abundant source and substance of everything in existence.  It is the Intelligence that creates and the Love that sustains all Life.  It is present everywhere, in everyone, in all time and in all conditions.

Unification:  I am created in this One.  God is the essence of who I am, and all that is true of God is true of me.  This Love, this Power, this Intelligence moves in and through me, creating all that I need and desire, in all the affairs of my life.

Realization:  Therefore, in this knowing, I claim and accept for myself, now and always, and abundant life. I accept an ever increasing flow of money into my life and affairs.  I release old thoughts and patterns that deny my good and open to the Divine flow of financial wealth as it pours in and fills up my mighty cup.  I choose to receive the blessings of good in every aspect of my life.  My home is warm and cozy and peaceful.  My relationships overflow with joy and a mutual exchange of love.  My work delights me and I find my soul purpose there.  Every need is immediately filled with my positive intention and desire, and I am always aligned with the divinely perfect pattern of my own inner truth.  All is well. All is perfect.  All is good.

Thanksgiving:  I give great thanksgiving in the knowing of this truth, which permeates and roots deeply into every level of my consciousness and being.

Release:  I release my word into Divine Law, where it is received and acted upon and returned to me in the abundance of complete fulfillment.  I allow it to be so.  And so it is. Amen.

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