To Keep My Heart Open
There is one loving Spirit. The heart of all creation is the expression of this unconditional love.
The only power is the healing power of absolute love. Love that is given freely and fully to all of creation.
I am made up of and animated by this love. It is the very essence of my being. All of my life-my inner life and my outer life- is an expression of this cosmic love.
I accept that my heart remains open in the face of relationship challenges. I am kind-kind to the other person and kind to myself. I rise up to see the bigger picture. I release all blame and all assumptions. I release all unforgiveness and all expectations. I come to live more fully in the present moment and I bring forth the natural openness, the natural harmony that exists in every relationship. I am patient, I persevere. I am honest with myself regarding my part in any conflict. I am willing to change. I bring acceptance, attention and good will to all interactions. I allow the Divine to guide me in all my relations. I release all old patterns and step into a more full expression of openheartedness. I accept this good as already present in me and in all my relationships. I know oneness is the absolute truth of all interactions.
I give thanks for this deeper realization of my open heart.
I trust the Law to work on my behalf, creating the highest good.
And So It Is
Diane Tapogna, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa