Saturday, June 10, 2017

Clarity about Career Decisions

Clarity about Career Decisions

There is a perfect pattern behind all of life. It is that unique and brilliant pattern of nature that expresses fully in every moment. This is the divine life in complete expression. And it is generous it is unlimited it is full of possibilities ideas and inspirations. This is the nature of the divine life to give it's guidance to all and all alike.

I am a part of this divine expression. Within me and all around me is that perfect pattern of nature.  The divine inspiration comes to me and through me easily and effortlessly for I am one with that life force that has created me.

So I accept for myself that all my decisions are grounded in this inspired guidance of the Living Spirit. That whatever is next for me in my career comes to me through that perfect pattern, that natural pattern of the Divine One. I claim and accept that the divine life is in complete expression through me. Everything I learn and know comes from the source of all life .So I'm excepting a beautiful and powerful process of making a decision. I am filled with clarity and light and the all-good is always presenting itself at every turn for me.

I give thanks for this clarity and perfection.

I release this, my word, into the Law in full faith and trust.

And So It Is

Diane Tapogna, RScP

Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

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