Saturday, September 30, 2017

Love and Peace in Every Heart

The creative spiritual substance of the universe is love. Love is forever invigorating, renewing, revitalizing, and it is pure substance. It exists throughout all creation. Love is the sole impulse and the greatest incentive. It is everywhere present as the impelling force in all life.

As we are created from this love and filled with it, we merge with the All That Is. There is nothing outside this immeasurable love. The natural byproduct of love is peace. As we love, peace merely comes to us.

So as world and national and local events arise, and we humans forget that love is all there is, I speak word on behalf of all of us in this moment. I claim and accept that as we awaken and remember the love, peace returns in each heart and mind. As each of us utilizes our spiritual tool of remembering, it affects all life. So in this moment I accept for each of us a willingness to be willing for brand new beginnings by virtue of our spiritual intention. I claim and accept that each of us is a powerful vessel of love which produces the peace that is so necessary for the world right now.

I celebrate the joy this practice brings as we each participate in unison. It is with gratitude that I release this spiritual mind treatment to the law which manifests it as our experience. I let it be done, easily, and so it is.

Jennifer Mann, Practitioner Emeritus 

Center for Spiritual,  Living Santa Rosa

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