Saturday, September 2, 2017

Prayer for Healthy Finances

Prayer for Healthy Finances

There is only one source and sustainer of all that is. Its nature is boundless . It is the Divine Being always acting on behalf of its creation. It is the activity of infinite love and intelligence, everywhere present in this moment and always.

I am made of this divine stuff. Boundless love and intelligence is the nature of my being. I have no edges.  I am inseparable from this Infinite Source. I live and have my being within it.  It acts through me and for me. I am a recipient of and conduit for this source of goodness. I am an activity of  infinite supply.

From this awareness I speak my word for and about myself.  I surrender any unhelpful thought or  belief in lack, limitation, separation or fear. In this spaciousness I claim the boundless good that is continuously put before me. I notice and honor the abundant nature of life. I rest in knowing that life is always for me. I trust that I am guided in ways that allow infinite sustenance to unfold through my innate gifts and meaningful work. I welcome healthy finances. This good shows up in known and unknown ways. I am an open and ready instrument for this divine activity, confident the Divine is acting for my highest and greatest good. I accept life just as it is and just as it is not.

Thank you life. I am grateful for this shift in awareness.

I let go and let God, assured this is already known and done in the mind of the Infinite One.

And so it is.

Amada Colt, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

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