Saturday, October 28, 2017

Creating Peace

Creating Peace 

The Genius creator of all there is, known as God, is the divine intelligence that is everywhere present all of the time.  From the largest galaxy to the smallest atomic particle, this creative presence is amazing.  Its nature is peace, love, beauty, balance and harmony and it exists eternally.

My life is animated by this creative power and it motivates the words of this prayer.  Just as my life is a living expression of this intelligent presence, so are all of us, unique, diverse, and each a one of a kind.

This prayer affirms that regardless of circumstances in our personal world or our planet, the inner landscape of our personal experience is calm and peaceful.  Every experience is an opportunity to see the Divine cloaked in the garb of our personal expectations.  Tending our thoughts like a garden, we weed out negative, destructive, unproductive thinking.  In its place we plant seeds of love, joy, and peace.

Minding our practice, we devote time daily to commune with nature, cultivating our relationship with the Divine in our own unique ways.  This brings a sense of calm, allowing life to live through us unobstructed. 

Grateful for this deep connection with the Divine, I release this prayer to those spiritual laws that bring more love, peace and joy into our experience.

And so it is. Amen.

Andra Sandberg, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

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