Saturday, October 21, 2017

To Know Oneness with Spirit

To know oneness with Spirit

There is a presence in the universe that is always giving itself to all of creation. It is the creative life force that connects life to itself. It is the one mind forever conscious of itself and all creation. This presence, this life force, this one mind is ever-present, all-knowing and all-powerful. It is present in all of existance.

Therefore, it is present in me and in my life. I am one with the life force that animates my being. The one mind is my mind. This one presence is fully present in me. It is who and what I am. It is all that I am.

I open to a greater experience of oneness. I feel it and I know this oneness deep inside myself in the moments of quiet. I know and express this oneness in all the activities of my life. My awareness is bright and clear. I notice, I remember, I give my attention consciously to this experience of oneness which is always available to me. I devote myself to nurturing and supporting this connection.

I am grateful for this realization of oneness in my experience.

I release this word into the creative medium which responds fully to its highest intent.

And So It Is

Diane Tapogna, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

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