Saturday, January 30, 2021

Peace, Harmony, Joy

 Meeting Life where It is

Anchored to this planet, secure in this present moment, it’s easy to remember that there is just one thing going on.  Called by many names, we know it as this one presence; loving, creative, and expressing beautifully as life itself.

I am that expression of this one life.  It lives in me breathing me with its breath.

And as that’s so for me it is the truth for each one of us; each of us is a once in a lifetime expression of this one life.   Each of us is unique and precious. Each of us anchored to each other in this present moment, an amazing time in the history of our planet.

Understanding that we are all in this together, I affirm harmony, peace, and joy is emerging just as the sprouts of spring begin to break through the cold soil of winter. Daffodils are coming.

I affirm a world that sees itself as one family, fighting this pandemic together and winning.

We are emerging as a more loving world, able to respect each other and our differences, while moving forward to help our planet.  A cleaner environment is assured; clean water, clean air.

Embracing our diversity, brilliance emerges in our policies and actions in the world. Compassion underlines all decisions going forward.

Grateful that life is unfolding perfectly, evolving and changing; I release this prayer into those spiritual laws that have already worked out the details and it is showing up in our lives exquisitely.

And so it is. Amen.

Andra Sandberg, RScP

Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Sunday, January 10, 2021

What is Mine to Do

There is one dynamic universe in a perfect pattern; revealing itself. Call it life expressing as this universe made of cosmic dust and matter. It is organized and evolving and is directed by an intelligence.

My body is an example of this universe expressing; a perfect pattern as my existence. All systems of my body are examples of the perfect instruction of life, bones, muscles, tendons, circulatory and respiratory systems; all molecules within all systems and networks in my body know just what to do, guided by this intelligent life force.

Just as I am part of this miraculous life, here by divine coincidence, so is each one of us; unique, perfect parts of this life.

Leaning into this experience with a willing heart, the universe responds lovingly to this receptivity. Asking what is mine to do regularly; I listen and await the greater vision to meet me. I look for signs in my dreams and daily life to guide me in what is mine to do, believing that Life is guiding and sustaining me, providing direction along the way, making the journey a safe discovery of my divine nature.

Letting go of overwhelming feelings, regrets, resentments, and upset, I rest in the confidence that the divine intelligence is revealing itself perfectly in my affairs and in the affairs of the world.

Celebrating that all acts of willingness to experience this divine life, reveal the presence of more and more good, I feel gratitude as I become increasingly aware of this miracle of life living through me. Feeling complete in this prayer, it is released now to the Law that has already worked it out perfectly in the universal mind. And I look for the demonstration of this prayer in my experience.

And so it is. 
Andra Sandberg, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Timeless Wisdom, Evolutionary Vision

 Timeless Wisdom, Evolutionary Vision

There is one life. It is the life of the Living Spirit. It is ever-present and all-knowing. Its wisdom is the guiding force behind all of creation. All of life is an expression of the peace and unity of the Spirit.

 I am one with the Living Spirit. My life is a creation of the Spirit. The wisdom of Spirit finds its expression through me. The peace and loving essence of the Spirit are alive in me now.

 I affirm that the timeless wisdom of the Spirit guides me in all my affairs. I lift my consciousness to see and know the highest spiritual vision for all beings. I hold fast to an evolutionary vision of peace and unity for all. I am guided by the voice of truth within me to perfect right action. I clearly see the way forward to helpful solutions and the emergence of a bright future. My life is in full alignment with the Living Spirit. Its peace and loving essence express through my words, deeds, and actions. Unity is my foundation and my truth.

 I give thanks for the revelation of this powerful truth. I accept it as complete in the Mind of Spirit. I let it be.

 And so it is.