is a universal pulse, a rhythm, a heartbeat to everything in nature. Spirit
Divine, in Its infinite allness, is nature. Its magnificent presence is
all-pervading, everywhere present. It is the genius that imparts healthy
well-being. It animates life with joy-filled energy, while keeping the whole in
perfect balance.
Understanding that All is Spirit and that it is whole and complete in every way, I know myself as an integral healthy and energetic part of this wholeness, filled with happiness and joy. I have a divine connectivity with every single walking, talking, breathing expression of life because All is One. I realize to my core that the presence of Spirit, which is my essence, abides within me forever, revealing the vibrant health and balance of my body, mind, and spirit. I luxuriate in this feeling of perfect well-being.
I receive my good with complete openness and a happy countenance. I am so very aware that it is the Divine’s great joy to provide me with all the richness of living a happy, healthy, and balanced life. As it is freely given, so do I freely accept the gifts with a lighthearted attitude.
Secure in the awareness of the truth of these words, I joyfully release this treatment to the Law of the Universe. And so it is!
Sheri Pool, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa