Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Treatment Acknowledging Right Body Size and Weight


There is a universal pulse, a rhythm, a heartbeat to everything in nature. Spirit Divine, in Its infinite allness, is nature. Its magnificent presence is all-pervading, everywhere present. It is the genius that imparts healthy well-being. It animates life with joy-filled energy, while keeping the whole in perfect balance.

Understanding that All is Spirit and that it is whole and complete in every way, I know myself as an integral healthy and energetic part of this wholeness, filled with happiness and joy. I have a divine connectivity with every single walking, talking, breathing expression of life because All is One. I realize to my core that the presence of Spirit, which is my essence, abides within me forever, revealing the vibrant health and balance of my body, mind, and spirit. I luxuriate in this feeling of perfect well-being.

 As I steadfastly keep my thoughts on the eternality of this essence that saturates my life, all heaviness is lifted from me. I see, feel, and know a lightness of spirit and soul. I realize the truth of a strong, healthy body and it fills me with a sense of tranquil well-being. I am aware that every single aspect of my life is flourishing in pure health and with flawless alignment. This awareness is made ever more concrete by the nutritional value that infuses the entirety of my being. I eat with joy and a fabulous sense of gratitude for the plenty that is Spirit’s bounty. I choose my share with mindful moderation.  As I feed my body, spirit, and mind, I make deliberate choices that promote the healthiest, most energetic me possible. I easily relinquish anything that does not support robust and vibrant health. I now embrace habits that develop with wonderful rapport in my physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional body and the body of my affairs. All work together in absolute harmony.

I receive my good with complete openness and a happy countenance. I am so very aware that it is the Divine’s great joy to provide me with all the richness of living a happy, healthy, and balanced life. As it is freely given, so do I freely accept the gifts with a lighthearted attitude.

Secure in the awareness of the truth of these words, I joyfully release this treatment to the Law of the Universe. And so it is!

Sheri Pool, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

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