Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Seeing the Good in Difficult Times

The Beloved Source of all Good is everywhere, forming absolutely all that is. It IS all that is, for what else could anything be made of but the One? The qualities of the One are visible everywhere: beauty, magnificence, equilibrium, plenty, order, power, and more. But most of all limitless, warm receptivity—Love.

I am that. All the qualities and capacities of the Divine reside in me, just looking for an outlet to manifest in the world. And I am a willing outlet, removing anything unlike Spirit so It has a clear path

Good is everywhere available, always ready to flow Its substance into the mold that I create for it with my thoughts and emotions. I recognize the limitless blessings in my life, in my body, in the people I meet, and in the situations I encounter. Good informs my life everywhere. I embrace my part — to look for where It already exists around me and in me. I acknowledge Its presence and celebrate that whatever I need is already here. I joyfully celebrate that the Good I’m looking for is here, now, in myriad forms and my eyes are open to It.

Profoundly grateful with every sighting of the Good that I long for, I relax into the knowing that it is present and I am safe and loved.

Leaving this prayer with the Law, the Divine “Yes!” I accept it is so.  And so, it is.

Kathy Galvin, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

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