Tuesday, August 13, 2024

A Prayer for the United States of America

 Centering into the stillness, the love, the wisdom. That which undergirds is within and beyond all that is. Spirit, Cause, Energy, God, so many different names and aware of that and its pervasive, unavoidable nature. 

That which is in me, is also in each one of us, in each being in our country and beyond on this planet. We may forget it; we may close our eyes to it. It is always, always there.

As I settle into this awareness, I speak my word for the United States of America. In this century, in these times, there is an incredible amount of communication. Its range, its breadth, its frequency -- It is almost beyond imagining. And for some reason, rather than drawing us together, that has separated us into islands of opinions and feelings, has caused us to forget the heart of who we are as a country. Words like freedom, opportunity, “bring me your tired, your poor” -- all of those seemed to have faded into the background in this moment. I claim and know that those words which are grounded in that unanalyzable First Cause, Love, are coming again to our awareness, and are becoming the centering, uniting values for all of us. No matter our many opinions and ways of life, there are shared values that underlie our country’s unique and precious being. I now claim that those divine qualities emerge more and more clearly as we know what needs to come alive in each of us, as all of us.

I am thankful that we are not solely responsible for this work as separate individuals; we are co-creating with that divine love, that divine wisdom and power and even divine joy, moving toward the re-emergence of our union. Vibrant, welcoming, Spirit-led, real.

As I know this about the United States of America, I am deeply, deeply grateful. I celebrate this Truth. It emerges even as these words are spoken, it is so, it is true.

And together we say, and so it is.

Rev. Tara Steele
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

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