Tuesday, August 20, 2024


 Recognizing Divine Spirit, the Center of All Life, where at its core Peace resides in an unwavering and ever-expanding way, like the ripple of a pebble dropped in a pond. This invisible presence is the Divine Source of all life, it cannot be seen, but it can be felt in every act of Love & Peace, as the formless that gives rise to the formed. It is Eternal and Changeless, the Source of all Creation. It is the pattern of perfection in All, As All, Through All. There is nowhere this Peace is not.

I am one with this Power and this Presence right here, right now, as me, in me, and through me. Every part of my body is in harmony with the Living Spirit of Peace within me. Every thought, every action is aligned with Peace, it is the true nature of my Being. It is my Divine Center, the sustenance of my life, and the power behind my word. And just as I know this is the truth of my being, I know it is the truth of every being on this planet, for we are ONE, united and inseparable!

It is through the grace of God I speak my word for and about, each and everyone, knowing through the mere intention of this prayer, an opening for healing any separation within each of has taken place. I accept a greater awareness of Spirit for each falsehood we may feel and replaced with a greater knowing and trusting that we are never alone and that no matter how bleak or hopeless it may seem, God is always there lighting the way to a greater power within us that transcends any seeming challenge we may be experiencing. I claim and accept for each of us, an absolute knowingness that Peace resides in the hearts of every world leader and decision maker, and that ultimately Peace, Unity, & Truth reigns supreme!

It is with a grateful heart and joy filled expectancy I give thanks for the Shift in Consciousness I know has taken place in me, and in and through each of us as the One Mind, of which we are all connected.

I release my word into the Law with deep faith and conviction that as it is spoken, so it is done. So Be It and So It Is. Amen!

Joyce Orecchia, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa  

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