Tuesday, August 27, 2024


Our Beloved Source operates without hesitation, pouring forth Its magnificent energy in all directions as power and love. It is truth and beauty and goodness and so creates these constantly out of Itself.

That creative pouring forth moves through me as much or as little as I choose to align with it. Having seen its operation in my life. I trust in It and open myself to Its operation within me. Anything unlike It, I diligently turn away from and allow grace to dissolve it.

This truth of Life in-operation through me is the truth of Life’s operation through every created being and thing. The divine impulse toward wholeness, health, goodness, power, joy, and ALL good is the same in me and in everyone. Trust and confidence in this Source reveal those same qualities in everyone and everything on every level of existence. All life from the cosmic to the sub-atomic welcomes the out-picturing of Goodness as bodily health and wholeness with a vibration of joy.

Joyful and grateful for how Life works, for the privilege of co-creation with It, I gladly consign these true words to that aspect of God that is law.

I say they are so and so it is.

Kathy Galvin, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

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