Tuesday, September 17, 2024


All Good is already present everywhere. The Source of all good is a mystery and warm presence available to all who seek it. It is love; it is intelligence. It is the place from which we came and in which we all share—the One Mind, the One Love. Call it God, call it Principle, call it Papa as Jesus did—It is a single, unified substance out of which everything comes forth. There can be no other, no opposite, no evil since there is only one source and it cannot be divided against itself.

I am a child of that Source and so I share in Its qualities; just as a wren cannot give birth to a kitten, so only good can come forth from Goodness. The balance, the freedom, the harmony, the serene well-being of the Source is present and available for me to feel and to know as the truth of my being.

With such a knowing comes hope, the deep knowing that Life is on my side and I can trust that God loves me and intends for me to THRIVE. And with hope there is inevitable courage. Knowing I can rely on the loving intention of Spirit, there is nothing I cannot handle. Apparent obstacles dissolve before me and my journey is smooth.

I am so grateful for this system! All of reality is supporting and responding to me, and to all. Knowing this, I move forward on my path with energy and confidence because these words are already so, outside of time and space.

And so it is!

Kathy Galvin, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

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