Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Prayer for Completing my Goals

The ultimate reality is of One. One Essence, One Cause appearing as many conditions. One diverse, inclusive Creative Genius. One Ultimate Reality infusing and informing everything. A Divine Essence appearing as all the different trees in the world; all the unique grains of sand on all the beaches, and all the deserts of the world; all the billions of galaxies and stars in the sky; all the various fishes in all the seas and oceans and all the waves covering those waters. It is all the individuals across the globe with all their intertwining and complicated lives. It is there in all the seen and unseen planes as well. It is this and so much more; It is in, through and as all. It’s vastness defies comprehension being the All and All it is. It is Peace, Perfection, and Love.

Oh how great to know that the goodness of the One is right here, right now and I am one with It. This infinite One, this place of Perfection and Wholeness is what I am. The presence of the Living God is always within me, and I rest in the knowledge that we can never be separated. It has created me and each one of us in its image; I am eternally Perfect, Whole and Complete despite any appearance to the contrary.

As I acknowledge this Divine Truth I awaken to the realization that I succeed in any new venture I want. My inspired vision is even now happening in and through me. I do not have to wonder if I will successfully complete this because it is a given. The wisdom that is in me & as me expands, propelling me to my highest possible good. This is what I am; even in its nascent form I succeed beautifully in embodying my goals. I surpass even my wildest dreams in my endeavors with life and in my spiritual life as a whole. I claim this or something better is happening now for me.

I speak my word and as I do so it comes to life. As I contemplate the expression of this prayer it lifts my heart with gladness to know that it is so. I give thanks for the realization of the Divine Light Within from my oneness with Spirit because it lights my path before me on this journey.

I give it to God knowing it is so. With this I release my word affirming my spiritual prototype demonstrates today & in every way. And so it is!

Denise Pool
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

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