Saturday, May 30, 2015

Harmony at Home

Harmony at Home

There is a universal harmony that presides over all of Life. It is the one divine perfection that orchestrates all relationships. Its nature is Love and Peace. Spirit is at home in the heart of all beings.

This divine harmony is present in all beings and in all circumstances and situations. Therefor it is present in my home and in all those I live with.

I accept divine harmony in my home. All of my relationships with family members (room-mates) are guided by love and grounded in peace. All communications are kind and respectful. Each person does their fair share and goes above and beyond to make this home a safe and comfortable refuge. I accept healing and forgiveness as the natural state of living together.

I give thanks for this revelation of the truth about my home and the presence of unlimited harmony.

I release this Word into the Law of Creation, allowing to manifest fully.

And So It Is.

Diane Tapogna, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

#AWorldThatWorksforEveryone #AGlobalVision

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Respect and Peace in the Neighborhood

Peace and Respect in the Neighborhood

There is one loving Spirit, one guiding presence one perfect Life. This one loving Spirit is the great protector and the great provider. Peace is the nature and expression of the Spirit. Life is continuously remaking itself out of this perfection.

All neighborhoods everywhere are a part of the one perfect life. The peace of the living Spirit is at the heart of all beings and at the core of every neighborhood.

I accept for my neighborhood and all neighborhoods everywhere that the Peace of the living, loving Spirit prevails. All the resources that are needed to create a safe, respectful environment are provided. Each person finds their unique way to contribute to the peace and respect in the neighborhood. I accept loving, kind actions on the part of all who live in community. I accept this good as the natural order of things. We are safe in our homes and our communities. Our bodies, our property, our children, the animals and the environment are all safe and protected. I renew my trust in my neighbors and all those who pass through my neighborhood.

I give thanks for the truth of this my Word and I trust its full manifestation in my life.

And So It Is.
Diane Tapogna, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa
#AWorldThatWorksforEveryone #AGlobalVision

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Affirmative Prayer for More than Enough Time

More than enough time

There is one endless, timeless Presence. It is the essence of all creation. It is infinite and eternal, without beginning and without end. The great Giver of life is present and available to all beings all the time. Limitless abundance and unconditional love are Its gifts, so freely given. This is the absolute and universal nature of the Supreme Being.

I am included in the life of this one Presence, this one Life.

I accept that there is an absolute abundance of time. There is more than enough time for all activities, for all rest. I relax and trust the perfect unfolding of life. I allow life to have its own rhythm and timing. I cooperate with the natural pace of the Spirit. I am guided and supported by the timeless Presence, the Supreme Being. I release all sense of hurry and worry and place my trust in Life’s perfection. Limitless abundance and unconditional love are mine now. 

I am grateful for this gift of awareness of the Truth about life. I am relaxed and I celebrate the abundance of time in my life.

I release all holding and entrust this my Word into that great Giver of Life. I let it be as it already is. I accept it, I embrace it. I allow it.

And So It Is.

Diane Tapogna, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa
#AWorldThatWorksforEveryone #AGlobalVision

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Affirmative Prayer for Baltimore

Affirmative Prayer for Baltimore  

There is this One presence enveloping all in it’s loving embrace.  Nothing is outside of it, it is all inclusive.  Everything known and unknown , seen and unseen is invisibly woven together.  It is that Power which moves the substance of Life in and out of form, recreating, transforming anew in each moment, it is the breath and heartbeat of All that is. The infinite source and supply of compassion and peace is 100 % available, knowing Itself through all of Creation, always conspiring on behalf of Its creation for the greatest good.

It being everything,  I know that I  too am made of this God stuff. As this is true for me this is true for the citizens of Baltimore,  true for all humankind,  for all aspects of Creation.  All are within this One Life, there is no separation, no place where one part of Life ends and the next begins, we are one whole, connected,  living expression of Spirit.

In this acknowledgment of wholeness, I claim a remembering that when any part of our body is injured it effects the whole, and the rest of the body sets about healing, bringing it into wholeness, balance and harmony. This is the divine design of all beingness.  Right now, in this very moment, I recognize a willingness to release and surrender any thought, idea or belief that is contrary to the good of all concerned, allowing a  bigger space to create anew, to trust and allow the shift in healing consciousness that is already unfolding. 

I recognize that beyond the appearance of lack, limitation and separation our inherent nature is being called forth to support and express understanding, love, peace and inclusiveness.   There is a growing atmosphere where sharp edges and rigid thinking soften, where there is a greater experience of understanding and justice .  I claim   an opening  to  ease and comfort as  injuries and broken places begin to heal and mend within each heart and the community.  Our brothers and sisters in Baltimore and around the world come together  with lives grounded in Faith, enfolded in Peace and a growing confidence in the power of Love and a world that works for everyone.    I celebrate and accept this divine configuration of robust  healing; knowing it is Truth revealing with infinite possibility  for Good. 

With deep  love and assuredness,  I  rest in this Truth for and about the community of Baltimore.

I release my Word into the heart and mind of the One where it is already known and done.   And so it is.      Amen 

Amada Colt RScP

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Peace in Baltimore

Peace in Baltimore

One Life is the Source of All-peace,compassion, wisdom, love. It shares its essence and breath with all beings and is present everywhere.

I am one with this Truth; as are all  people in  Baltimore they are the perfect expression of Spirit's  wisdom, peace, compassion and love.

I claim that everyone in Baltimore is guided and held  by Spirit in deep ease and calm.  An infinite good and peaceful outcome unfold instantly for all.
Peace is within and around everyone in Baltimore:easy resolution of all situations, new opportunities and ideal communication manifest now and always.

Divine Intelligence heals all and moves everything forward  so that all is well and good in Baltimore, in Maryland and in the world. 

I say "yes".  This is the Truth.  I celebrate it in my heart. I am thankful for this new consciousness and change.

I release this Word and it is done.

And so it is, Amen.   

Siota Belle, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa
#aworldthatworksforeveryone, #theglobalvision