Saturday, September 26, 2015

Affirmative Prayer for Fulfilling Work

Purpose:  to be doing creative, fulfilling work as all my financial needs are met

Recognition:  There is One Life.  That Life is God’s Life, the Creative Energy and Intelligence out of which arises all that is.  It is everywhere present, in, around, through and as everything.  It is a field of Love and Light, emanating Joy, Wisdom, Harmony, Wholeness and Abundance.  There is nothing outside of God, the One eternal, infinite, changeless Allness.

Unification:  This One Life is my life, now and forever.  I am an inseparable part of the Creative Intelligence I call God.  I am never outside of God, nor is God ever outside of me.  It lives as me, It shines through me, It expresses joy, wisdom and abundance within me.  I am one with the Love, the Light and the Wholeness.

Realization:  I accept an ever-increasing experience of creativity flowing through me in service to Life.  I am engaged in creative, fulfilling work that is spiritually, emotionally and financially satisfying.  I love what I do and find it fun, easy and rewarding.  Because all is God, all that I do stems from and merges into the Divine Mind, resulting in greater joy, wisdom, abundance and wholeness.  I allow Life to express fully through me and know that as I listen for and trust my inner wisdom, that voice of Spirit inside me, all my needs are met beyond my wildest imaginings.

Thanksgiving:  With a happy heart, I give thanks for this shift in consciousness of my place in God.  I welcome with gratitude the demonstration of God’s Love in my work and in my financial affairs.

Release:  I release my Word to the Law of the One Mind, knowing that It can only say ‘yes.’  I let it be so and so it is.

Helen Graves, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

#aworldthatworksforeveryone  #theglobalvision

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