Saturday, March 11, 2017

Prayer for Healthy Lungs

Prayer for Healthy Lungs

The fullness of Life is present in Its perfection always. Life is ever-flowing, ever-creating more good out of Its generous nature. The cosmic urge to express is forever moving through all of life. As the tides of the ocean are constantly moving so too is the ebb and flow of life moving in Its perfect rhythm.  Wholeness and intelligence are abundantly expressing.

This fullness of Life includes everyone and everything. So I know that it includes me. My breath is the breath of the Divine. My lungs are the perfect expression of God’s wholeness and intelligence.

I accept for myself a fullness of breath. My lungs function perfectly. They are free and open. The rhythm of breath is easy and full. Inspiration and expiration are harmonized to a natural rhythm. All the air I need comes to me freely and fully, bringing nourishment to every cell in my body. I am healthy, I am whole.

I give thanks for this realization of the truth about my lungs, my breath, my health.

I release this Word into the creative Law that responds fully.

And So It Is

Diane Tapogna, RScP

Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

1 comment:

  1. Hi Diane, I so needed this now. I typed a comment yesterday, but perhaps my Internet problems messed up the message. Do keep your prayer & work for All Beings everywhere.
