Saturday, August 22, 2020

Adapting to Change

The one divine essence of life flows through everything, seen and unseen. Its nature is creativity, brilliant expressions of life, beauty, and abundant good all the time, available to each one of us.

We are each a one of a kind expression of God; fully equipped to experience love, peace of mind, and connection with this one source, journeying to the greater yet to be.

Just as everything in the universe is made of this brilliant intelligence, I too am of this same substance. It automatically and amazingly lives and breathes me. And as that’s true for me it is true for us all; each one of us a unique expression of this same life. And this planet is continually evolving for the greatest expression of all its inhabitants.

So, I affirm that we are in the flow of life, awakening each day to the amazing changes that are the natural expression of life evolving. Everywhere we look is the evidence of growth and the change of seasons reminds us that change is all there is, all the time.

So, navigating change with grace and ease, I declare comfort adapting to change, and delight when we discover that the new reality is even better than expected.

Grateful discovering that living with change can be challenging and rewarding at the same time, I relax and let life reveal itself to me. Pushing us to use our spiritual tools, we open to the new and changing reality surrendering and letting go of the past.

Thankful then that the spiritual laws are doing the work in this prayer, I let go and release this Word to the power of life, knowing all is truly well.

And so it is.

Andra Sandberg, RScP

Center for Spiritual Living Santa Rosa


1 comment:

  1. Thank you! I hear your prayer for change and embrace 2020 as a tender seed that needs to be carefully nurtured until it grows as a mighty oak of solid love. Thank you for helping us find our new path to love. 2020! Wow!
