Saturday, February 12, 2022

Deepening Connection to Spiritual Truth

There is one infinite power. This power is the love of the Divine. God's boundless intelligence, compassion and grace enfolds as all of creation. The one Spirit acts for the highest and greatest good of life in every moment. Nothing is outside of its presence, there is no other. It is the source and substance of all the seen and unseen aspects of life.

I am made of this divine power and love, here on purpose as an individual, unique expression of the One. It's love beats my heart and breathes through me. I am inseparable from God and creation, connected to all life and the Holy Spirit that dwells within. God's creative power expresses through me. I am an instrument and vessel for this love. 

From this awareness, I affirm a deepening connection to these spiritual truths. I open to a greater experience of wholeness and the holiness of life. I practice kindness towards myself and others. I see each encounter in life as an opportunity to sow seeds of uncaused joy and compassion. I welcome the softening of my heart in the midst of however life shows up.

I rest in this understanding, confident and grateful that this prayer is already known and done in the heart of God through the law of mind.

I let go and let God.

And so it is.

Amada Colt, RScP

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