Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Prayer to Connect With the Voice of Spirit Within


That voice, the still, small voice of the creator of all life is always available.

In the stillness each of us merges with the Divine and rests in a silent place where the voice is heard.

And so I speak a word on behalf of each person reading this prayer. Right here is the presence of Spirit.  On behalf of each one of us, I take a moment to remind myself of the stillness and I take the time to refocus and reframe all conditions and the din of the world. I settle and rest and remain open and expectant for a shift in consciousness that allows only good to pour forth no matter what is going on. I hold this sacred stillness close in my heart. On behalf of everyone reading this prayer, I claim that the shift is taking place.  hat a glorious way to remember the still small voice within. How grateful I am for the tools my Science of Mind that awakens me to alternative behavior that soothes, makes me serene, and allows the good to pour forth.

And now I release this prayer into the law that manifest it as experience. And I allow it to be done. And so it is. Blessed be. 

Jennifer Mann, RScP Emeritus
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

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