Tuesday, July 30, 2024

The Courage to Say No

All power is derived from the Beloved Source, the Source that created galaxies, oceans, butterflies, sub-atomic particles—all space and time. Its power is immeasurable, unfathomable, and endowed in all Its designs. It is the benevolence that nurtures, the Creator of all creatures and all creation. Everywhere without a border, no inside and no outside, it is the very substance of all that is. It is Life. It is the loving Presence that speaks wherever there is a hearer. Loud as all sound, soft as a whisper, It creates.

I am that. The power of the One flows through me and in this recognition, I am empowered. I am a channel and a willing vessel for Life to create through me.

In this understanding, I grasp the immense responsibility to be a clean and open outlet for a definite “yes” to Life’s impulse to love and create and give through me. And that same Power sustains me to say a clear and definite “no” when that is the most life-giving response. The power of Spirit through me engenders courage. It supports me to say “no,” even when it disappoints, because “no” is the most loving answer.

I am thankful for the Spirit-driven courage to speak my truth. I celebrate the power of Spirit to guide my definite “yes” and my definite “no.”

I leave this with the Law of the Divine, joyful that it is already so.

And so it is!

Kathy Galvin, RScP

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Prayer for Fire Fighters

 The all knowing, powerful presence of the Holy Spirit is everywhere. Spirit is divine love, infinite peace, amazing beauty and endless harmony. Spirit is the creative source of the beauty of nature in all of its forms. From beginning to end, Spirit is always available and wise beyond belief.

And if Spirit is everywhere, it is right here within me. I am one with this powerful Spiritual essence for Good. I am Spirit’s light is inspiring me all the time. The life force within me is guiding me. I am joy and peace that withstands anything. The way is made clear before me - where I am there is peace. I am one with the breathtaking beauty and power for Good. All that Spirit is, I am. I know this is true for all of life everywhere and for all sentient beings. And for all people who work in the field of fire protection and safety.

I speak my word now for all the folks in firefighting service to our state and nation, saving lives and homes. I claim and declare their safety throughout their workday. I claim that Divine Wisdom flows through them in each moment guiding their way as they work. I claim that they are protected by the all-powerful force of Spirit helping them with each step they take. And as I am grateful for their service, this energy swells up and fuels gratitude for these individuals who have chosen this occupation. I bless the planes and helicopters as well as everyone on the ground and in positions of command. I claim that Spirit is guiding them, watching over them and making perfect their way. I lean into Spirit to feel a sense of peace and love. There is so much goodness and grace to be felt.

With great gratitude for revealing this truth, that Spirit is everywhere present, I release this my word. It brings me peace to remember the truth. I send it forth into the law where it is acted on to make it so.

And so it is. Amen.

Bette Smith, Practitioner Emeritus
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa





Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Pray for Sanity in Turbulent Times

There is only one – one infinite and powerful presence of Spirit. All knowing, all wise, this presence of Spirit is the creative force behind all of life and it encompasses all of life in its entirety. Spirit is joy and peace; Spirit is love and beauty. Spirit is everywhere present all the time. There is no part of life where Spirit is absent.

Spirit is right here within me. Spirit’s love guides me. Spirit’s creative power lives through me. Spirit’s light shines bright and makes perfect my way every day. I only have to pause and go within to feel that powerful presence of Spirit within me. It is closer than my breath and always available to me, always.

Today I declare that I stay grounded and present in Spirit’s love. Today I align with that power for Good that is Spirit expressing. I lean into this force of love and take one step, and then another, and then another all the time knowing that the love of Spirit is stronger than anything I encounter during my day. I go back to feel that presence of Spirit as many times each day as I need to, to remind myself of this connection to Spirit. It is my personal touchstone of love. I remain in a state of calm and peace as I remember to connect with Spirit who is always within me.

I give thanks now for the truth in this prayer and the reminder that I am one with Spirit all the time.

And so I can release my word as I turn it over to the law that makes it so. And so it is.

Bette Smith, Practitioner Emeritus
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

A Prayer for Family


One powerful Presence exists everywhere, always has been always will be. The nature of this Presence is creativity as it is the Power that created the universe and everything in it.

This powerful Presence lives itself through each of its creations. Knowing this, I understand that this powerful presence flows through me now, and through each one of us.

I say a word of prayer for the family. During this time where it seems like there’s a lot of family disharmony, I claim peace of mind, and letting it all be for a while. I affirmed that there is a good outcome for every situation and it is evolving right now. There are infinite possibilities for the way families can communicate and heal, and I claim that there is that healing going on right now on whatever level needed. Harmony is restored. I declare self-compassion as my first step in this healing process. I come back over and over again to the truth of who I am; a divine being in this amazing life story.

I rest now in the sweet loving expression of this divine life. I am grateful with a heart filled with thanksgiving knowing that families are just the way they are.

I gratefully release this prayer to that activity of the law that has already made it so, and so it is amen.

Andra Sandberg, RScP

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Embracing Values


There is such an amazing Energy that flows in and through and as everything in our universe and beyond. It is the seed of all Creation, constantly expanding and contracting, and expanding again. It is the Heart of all Love, Compassion and Goodness. It is the MindSpring of all Knowledge and Ageless Wisdom. It is the Vision of Abundance and Beauty. It is the Comfort of Peace and Serenity. It is the Source of Light and Life. It is Wholeness, Balance and Harmony. It is Life itself. All in Oneness.

That Energy flows through me as a unique expression of Its Divine Presence. I hear it in the enchanting melody of the perching songbird as it fills me with joy. I see it in the gentle colors of the rising sun and the vibrancy of the evening sunset filling my life with beauty. And I feel it with every beat of my heart, with every breath I take, with every moment I experience. I am that Life. I am that Oneness.

And the values I embrace, the attributes I claim as my own, continuously guide me on my Spiritual Path, and deepen my relationship with the Oneness. I align myself with those values that resonate in my Beingness, as my life, my purpose unfolds. As I focus on my value of love. I see it reflected in everything I encounter and smile as I experience the joy of sharing my Divine Nature. The gifts I have received, the talents I have been given, the values I embrace, the very essence of my true self that I offer to the world, shine a light that brightens even the darkest situation and ripples outwards to impact more than I could possibly imagine.

I am truly grateful for the incredible opportunities that arise as I continue to walk this path, becoming increasingly aware of the Self, the Essence, the One I have always been.

So I release my word into the Word, into Life, into Love, into the Universal Principles, where it dwells in Eternity.

And So It Is.

Skye Freeman
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa