Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Pray for Sanity in Turbulent Times

There is only one – one infinite and powerful presence of Spirit. All knowing, all wise, this presence of Spirit is the creative force behind all of life and it encompasses all of life in its entirety. Spirit is joy and peace; Spirit is love and beauty. Spirit is everywhere present all the time. There is no part of life where Spirit is absent.

Spirit is right here within me. Spirit’s love guides me. Spirit’s creative power lives through me. Spirit’s light shines bright and makes perfect my way every day. I only have to pause and go within to feel that powerful presence of Spirit within me. It is closer than my breath and always available to me, always.

Today I declare that I stay grounded and present in Spirit’s love. Today I align with that power for Good that is Spirit expressing. I lean into this force of love and take one step, and then another, and then another all the time knowing that the love of Spirit is stronger than anything I encounter during my day. I go back to feel that presence of Spirit as many times each day as I need to, to remind myself of this connection to Spirit. It is my personal touchstone of love. I remain in a state of calm and peace as I remember to connect with Spirit who is always within me.

I give thanks now for the truth in this prayer and the reminder that I am one with Spirit all the time.

And so I can release my word as I turn it over to the law that makes it so. And so it is.

Bette Smith, Practitioner Emeritus
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

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