Saturday, December 14, 2013

Affrimative Prayer for Loving Patience

A Prayer for Loving Patience by Pamela Heck, RScP

Spirit, the Center and Circumference of All That Is, is Infinite Love, Infinite Truth, Infinite Assurance and Infinite Peace. This profound peace permeates all of creation. It is a Center of Calm that moves and has its being in all life.

This peace is my peace now.

No matter what challenges rise up before me, I choose peace. I choose the loving way. Today, I choose to be patient. Recognizing that Spirit is always patient with me, I honor Spirit by being patient with others and myself. Regardless of appearances, I accept the possibility of patience in this and every moment, in this and every situation,in this and every condition, and in me and every person.

With a grateful heart, I give great thanks that Spirit is right where I am assisting me in the fulfillment of this, my heart’s desire… I am loving, peaceful and patient.


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