There is only One Source of
all there is: One life, God’s life. God is the Divine, Infinite, indwelling
Power and Presence. It is the allness of every thought, deed, action, event,
and circumstance. It is the unconditionally loving essence of the universe
expressing Itself in and through all of creation—in everything, every one, and
every place.
This One is all of my being.
I am inseparably one with It. My very existence is an expression of It. Every
part of me is the fullness of the nature of God. Life Itself is breathing me
into existence in every moment. With every breath I take, I am breathing in the
Allness. As this is true for me, this is true for each of us. We are each unified
with the One Source and each other as It lives, moves, and has Its being in and
through us. We each walk in the Reality that there has
always been and forever will be only one thing happening—Love itself.
As we plant this idea of
unity and oneness in Mind, it takes form as love, peace, and joy in our feeling
of connection to all that is. The recognition that God is expressing as each
unique individual transcends all appearances of difference or separation. It
is within this expanse of thought that I know for us a deeper awareness of our
unity and connection to the human family, to the planet that sustains us, and
to all of life. The rivers are my life blood. The earth is my sustenance. My
love of the whole human community is stronger than the strongest heartbeat. I
know for us a moment of grace through which our most profound and personal
prayer for peace and well-being on the planet finds its way into a very real
demonstration of peace, unity, and plenty. We are forever and ever expanding in
our sense of unity with Love itself. We are never alone. We are empowered
beyond all imagination by our connection with and experience of the Divine
within ourselves, each other, and everything.
For all of this, I am
grateful. I celebrate the radiant expression of God as connection to all that
It is with certainty and
joyful anticipation that I now release this prayer into the loving activity of
Divine Law which is already responding affirmatively. I accept it as done.
And so it is.
Martha McCabe, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa
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