Saturday, July 9, 2016

We see a world where kinship with all life prospers

We see a world where kinship with all life prospers

There is only One Life, that Life is God's Life, and that Life is perfect. It is all-encompassing, eternal, and expansive, filling all time and space with Its endless variety. It is the thread that connects and runs through all that is, and It is all that is. It is the unconditional love and the organizing power that informs and binds all together in harmonious perfection. It is the source and the substance, creator and created, and the fertile soil in which all that is, grows and prospers.
This One Life is my life now. This is the truth of my being, and the truth of each person reading this prayer. Each is an integral part of the whole -- the one heart, one life -- for all eternity. Each exists as a perfect expression of this one perfect Life, connected to all in eternal unity. Each is known, understood, and accepted as part of the whole, part of the magnificence of this all-knowing, all-loving Life.
I accept, right now, the perfect experiences to affirm each person’s kinship with all that is, and with each other. I welcome the perfect situations, resources, and environments that nurture the awareness of each person's connection with all of life and the willingness to act on this awareness in ways that affirm the Oneness in which all life finds expression. I claim for all an easy release of any misconceptions, any confusion or doubt about the sanctity or value of Life, and an influx of the perfect experiences that affirm the connection of each to the whole. I welcome a resurgence of joy as this truth reveals each one's part in this miraculous and majestic life where all are intertwined, and all are held in perfect love.
I'm grateful for this truth, grateful for the infinite ways this Perfect Life finds expression and prospers in the Oneness, and grateful for the activity of Spirit that manifests uniquely through all.
With a thankful heart I release this prayer, my Word, into the Law, that Doer and Organizing Power that moves this prayer from thought and intention into form and experience. Knowing it is done in the perfect time and way, I let it be.
And so it is.
Melodie Bellagio, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

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