Saturday, October 29, 2016

Peace, Harmony and Justice

There is only one Life, one Love, one Heart, one Mind ... only One, and that One is Spirit. It is without beginning, without end, ageless, timeless, It always has been and always will be. Present in Its fullness in all situations, all places and all persons, for there is no place that Spirit is not. It is the field in which all things are possible and in which love pervades.

The life of Spirit is my life, right now. I am one with It, and everything It is I am in every moment. Every attribute of the Divine expresses in, through and as me, for I am one with It, one with all life, one with all that is.

And as this is true of me, it is true of everyone. The life of Spirit moves in, through and expresses as each person. All that Spirit is moves through all of creation for everything and everyone exists within the realm of its divine love. We are one.

I claim and I accept a world in which peace and harmony reign supreme; a world that works for everyone in that laws, customs and conventions are applied fairly and equally to all persons; I accept a world in which all persons live in relaxed harmony, trusting and having faith that all are safe, secure and treated fairly. I claim and accept for all persons the ease that comes from the certain knowledge that all is well, all is fair and all are safe.

I am so grateful for this shift in consciousness. I celebrate it, and I give thanks for it.

And with a grateful heart, I release this prayer into the creative medium—the Law—that has already said yes, and I let it be.

And so it is.

Debbie Butterfield, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Food and Shelter for All

There is this One Thing. It is that which sources all that is, was, and will be. This divine Essence is abundant in Its nature. It is the heartbeat of love, care, and provision. It is consistently seeking to extend Itself in manifold expressions of Itself. This Source, this Life, only knows and expresses that which is good.

I recognize that I am a unique, individualized expression of this Life. I am that which It is, completely formed of the Substance of God. So too, is all of creation, including the readers of this prayer.

I speak my word of blessing, knowing that it reflects the reality of Divinity: with God all things are possible and there is always more than enough. There is food, shelter and all needed provision for every soul upon this planet. I speak an acceptance and an allowance knowing that what is needed or wanted is present and available for receiving. I accept on behalf of all of my brothers and sisters the knowing of the unique gift of life that they are, the truth of their life, and its impact upon the world. I accept for us all that God is Light and in It is no darkness at all, because the truth is, “It's all good.”

It is in joy and gratitude that I give thanks for this knowing and remembering of truth.

I release this logos into that of God which always responds, never returning any word void. 

And so it is.
Lawrence Edwards, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Navigating our Election

Navigating our Election

The one infinite Intelligence, Love, is the source and supply of all that is.  It informs and creates life from Itself.  It is the Body, Mind, and Spirit of creation. It is present in the stillness and activity of Life, one hundred percent available in every moment, enfolding all in the one heart we call Mother-Father God. Nothing is outside of Its ocean of infinite love and potential. It is always acting beneath the surface, at the center on behalf of Its creation.

I am made of this infinite Intelligence.  I am a place where God shows up. I live, move, and have my being within the Intelligence of God. I am a part of this God Stuff.  There is no place where I end and the rest of Life begins; I am one with and inseparable from this Allness. The Divine breathes through me and beats my heart.  I am a vessel and instrument of the Beloved, here on purpose, fulfilled by, through and as the Divine.

From this awareness of divine love and wholeness I speak my word of prayer for and about myself and the election. I surrender any thought, idea or belief in lack, limitation, separation, or fear. I am more aware now when I slip into unhelpful, thinking about issues, candidates and other voters, and I am more able to turn inward and affirm the power One. I remember my connection to all, and this allows me to be  grateful for the election process; it moves me into a deeper spiritual practice. I welcome a growing experience of community, our freedom to disagree and examine our values and beliefs. I validate my desire for honesty in this election and open to a greater experience of safety, acceptance, and justice. I elect to notice and trust in the Good that is already present, being called forth throughout communities everywhere. I allow myself to be guided and informed from this awareness of wholeness, within the divine embrace. I then think, speak, act, and vote from that, affirming our common good.

I am grateful for this shift in my consciousness. I rest in this revealed Truth. I surrender and trust all unto the One. I release my Word into the Law of Mind where it is already known and done.

And so it is.

Amada Colt, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Saturday, October 8, 2016


There is just One Life, the powerful, loving spiritual Essence behind, in, and around all things. This all-powerful nurturing sustainer of all Life is eternally present, the center of all being. Its nature is love, power, peace, lavish abundance, beauty, and love.

This loving Presence is right here where I am, closer than hands and feet, closer than my very own breath. Its love inhabits every area of my life, loving me beyond measure. This is true for every other being as well. We are one global community, each made up of the same spiritual Essence. We are loved unconditionally and continuously—in ways that may seem ordinary or miraculous, in ways that we understand and do not understand.

I claim now for each of us that we experience this love as a feeling of being met, right where we are, wholly and completely. We are loved with the generosity only the Divine can express. We each matter and are all necessary. All sense that they truly belong to Life. All feel the love of Spirit in both a local and global way. I accept enough physical nourishment in the way of healthy food for each of us, and clean, affordable, and safe housing for all. I embrace a world where every one of us truly understands that we belong and that we are a part of the web of life, which can never be broken: a world that works for every single one.

I give thanks for answered prayer with an overflowing heart of gratitude.

I release my word to a God that knows only good, and only says yes. My word has been heard and is being acted upon, now.

And so it is.
Karen Norton, RScP Emeritus

Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Responding to Life

Responding to Life

There is One Life, magnificently expressing infinitely and eternally as all that is. Life is perfect wholeness, perfect order, and perfect balance. Life is the Power of creative activity; Absolute Intelligence. Within Life is everything necessary for loving self-nourishment and the sustenance for all creation. Life is calling, guiding, and responding to Itself as the always-expanding Intelligence and conscious activity of wholeness, oneness, and love.

I am Life. I am one with the Absolute, powerful creative force of Life. I am integral to the nourishing and sustaining activity of Life. l am of the One Life, seamlessly one with all. My activity, choices, thoughts, and consciousness expand as Love-in-action. As this is true for me, so it is true for each person in our world community.  In each person the essence of the One Spirit is active as consciousness, intelligence, and Love.

I proclaim that this awareness of oneness is now the predominant calling and response among us. I accept the revelation of Truth in every heart: that each one is an instrument through which guidance, wisdom, and the creative urge resounds in support of Life’s activity of good. I claim and accept the goodness of all events and conditions as the resonant calling that awakens us to our awareness of oneness. I turn my focus to the good that is taking place everywhere, all the time. I proclaim that expanding Love is making Itself known in the heart of our world as constructive social action. This social action is the self-nourishment that is the essence of the One Life. I consciously support Life in constructive thought and activity. I bless and trust the loving guidance of Life to urge me and all people in our personal activity of social action.

I feel the excitement of all sentient beings, indeed, of all of Life responding to the call of expanding good through right action. Knowing this is already the perfect idea in the One Mind, I am grateful.

It is in this gratitude I release and I let go knowing the Law makes it so.  
And so it is.

Victoria King, RScP