Saturday, May 9, 2020

Affirmative Prayer for Quiet Joy

Affirmative Prayer for Quiet Joy 
The One Mind, the Powerful Intelligence that is forever creating life out of Its love is ever-present and fully active. Its natural state is Joy. It is forever rejoicing in It unfoldment.

I am an expression of this Creating Power. The One Mind expresses through me. Its Joy lives in me. I am one with the One Life Force.

I accept this new awareness that there is no limit to the quiet joy expressing in my life. Awe and wonder are reestablished in me. The dust and grime of the journey of my life have no hold over me. I am enough. I am doing enough. I rest in a quiet appreciation of the simple beauty of life unfolding within me and all around me.

This truth I celebrate and I trust its continued revelation in my life.

And So It Is

Diane Tapogna, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

1 comment:

  1. I needed these words today...quiet joy is the most beautiful phrase...thank you.
