Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Affirmative Prayer to Follow Divine Guidance

The one Spirit knows no big or small.  It is all powerful, expressing in the beauty of the seasons, in the universe where the sun shines daily, all is in harmony and balance.  Spirit shines forth as love, kindness, generosity, and wisdom. Spirit is always present.

I am one with this all powerful Spirit that knows no big or small, but easily expresses in us all.  

This Spirit guides me and each of us to reach out to each other through these unsettling times. Our Center provides love and kindness and wisdom as we pull together in all ways, using the modern ways of communication.  Each leader and member is acting in ways that help and strengthen our experience of oneness.  We endeavor always to follow divine guidance. 

I am thankful for our Center and it's leaders and these words.

I release this treatment as I recognize Spirits guidance being carried out.

And so it is.

Roger Vincent
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

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