Saturday, November 7, 2020

Affirmative Prayer for Passing an Exam

There is one Mind. It is the perfect Intelligence of the Divine Spirit. This Intelligence, this Wisdom is ever available and always present. The nature of this Divine Spirit is peace and clarity. This one Mind, this Divine Spirit includes all of life, all beings everywhere, all of the time.

I know that I am included in the peace of the Divine Spirit. The wisdom and intelligence of the one Mind lives in me, expresses as me. I am one with the Spirit.

I accept peaceful confidence as I take this exam. I know that all the information I need to access is fully available to me. I understand the questions and I am clear about the answers. The whole experience is one of peace and unity as I step into the dynamic flow of the one Mind. Wisdom and intelligence guide me to my best effort and to positive results.

I give thanks for this realization about the spiritual truth and I release this Word into the Law, accepting it as done.

And So It Is

Diane Tapogna, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

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