Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Affirmative Prayer for Peace

God is peace. This divine comfort and ease is present in every sunrise and every sunset. It is in every inhalation and exhalation of breath. This deep peace is in this beautiful blue planet and in every star and in the space between the stars. It is an energy and an essence of ease and relief. It is always present and available to all. There is simply no place this peace does not exist. Like a river running through the mountains or the forests or all the way to the ocean, this peace carries through all activity. Nothing can stand in its way.

I am connected to this source of deep peace. It is within me and around me. It resides at the very center of my being. It resides in that safe place where I’ve never been harmed or hurt and only love exists. And the love of this deep peace that is God is so great that it is comforting to me. It holds me and knows me better than I know myself. I open to this connection and accept the peace I feel.

I claim the truth of this right now. I accept for myself my ability to move through whatever life has in store for me with this deep peace as my companion. It’s power and presence guides me and directs me to right action and to loving kindness. Because I allow this feeling of peace it radiates outward from me affecting those with whom I come in contact. I know that I uplift the whole and enjoy everything more fully.

 My heart resides in gratitude for the knowing of this prayer. And for allowing the truth of that knowing to create a shift in my awareness.

It is with calm and confidence that I simply release this prayer onto that activity of God, the Law, that makes it so. It is already done. 

And so it is.

Tamarya Hulme, RScP

Center for Spirutal Living Santa Rosa

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Peace and Freedom

The Living Spirit Almighty is present equally and fully everywhere, giving its absolute peace and unlimited freedom to all beings. This peace is the spiritual essence of life.  Freedom is the natural state and the inherited birthright of all beings.

I am a conduit for the peace and freedom of the Living Spirit.

I am a presence for peace in all my relationships, in my thoughts and in my actions. The peace of the Spirit is my foundation. Freedom is my natural birthright and the birthright of all I encounter. I take a stand for peace and freedom in my words and deeds. I am a healing presence in every activity of my life.

I give thanks for the realization of this truth and I release this prayer into the Law of Mind knowing that it is fulfilled by the maker of all things.

And So It Is

Diane Tapogna, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living Santa Rosa

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Healing is Revealed for Our World

There is one energy of divine creative expression; its nature is love, compassion, surprising opportunities. It is seen as life all around me and I sense it breathing me and guiding my journey.

Just as this life energy expresses as me, it is living through all creatures here on earth and elsewhere. All is Spirit in expression.

This prayer declares that life aligns with this powerful energy of compassion, love, and healing. All sides come together to unite for the betterment of the people of this planet. In this unity, the world works together even more closely, realizing we are one family. Healing is being more fully revealed through the united cause of peace, health and calm.

My faith is strong as I sense Spirit flowing through me easily, without obstruction.  I allow Spirit’s intention to inform me of what is mine to do and I bless every moment of my being.   I sense a relief in our world as we come together to meet a new day.

Collaboration, love, and team work, unite us in a powerful force for good creating this new, loving world.  We pray and take action. We each do our part in co-creating this next chapter.

Grateful for Spirit’s expression in, through, and around everything, I release this prayer confident it demonstrates in my experience as peace, love, health, and harmony.

And so it is.

Andra Sandberg, RScP

Center for Spiritual Living Santa Rosa

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Affirmative Prayer for Passing an Exam

There is one Mind. It is the perfect Intelligence of the Divine Spirit. This Intelligence, this Wisdom is ever available and always present. The nature of this Divine Spirit is peace and clarity. This one Mind, this Divine Spirit includes all of life, all beings everywhere, all of the time.

I know that I am included in the peace of the Divine Spirit. The wisdom and intelligence of the one Mind lives in me, expresses as me. I am one with the Spirit.

I accept peaceful confidence as I take this exam. I know that all the information I need to access is fully available to me. I understand the questions and I am clear about the answers. The whole experience is one of peace and unity as I step into the dynamic flow of the one Mind. Wisdom and intelligence guide me to my best effort and to positive results.

I give thanks for this realization about the spiritual truth and I release this Word into the Law, accepting it as done.

And So It Is

Diane Tapogna, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Acceptance, Forgiveness, and Peace

 The One Presence of Spirit is peace. It is that space within which all life abides and unfolds. It is the inner stillness and quiet, always available, beyond all thought and activity, the ground of all being.

This peace is everywhere present, available in every moment. I am inseparable from it. 

In this awareness I speak this word for and about myself and all of life. I open to greater peace through my daily spiritual practice. I affirm the ease and calm I choose in the midst of life swirling and flowing around me. Inner peace allows me to choose my response to the way life shows up, and way it does not. Turning to the Divine within, I notice my triggers, where fear lives and where acceptance and forgiveness is called forth. I allow this sacred process to unfold and make room for greater peace in my being and for the highest good of all. 

I celebrate this spiritual truth for all of life. In gratitude I accept that this prayer is already known and done through the Law of Mind. I let go and let God.

And so it is.

Amada Colt, RScP

Monday, November 2, 2020

A Vision of Wholeness

 Recognizing the Dearest One, Father-Mother God, within which all life is created, abides and expresses. This divine vessel is all inclusive, nothing is outside of it. It is the source and sustainer of all life. Its unconditional love, boundless intelligence, compassion and creative power are always working on behalf of life, for the highest and greatest good. God is everywhere present and available in each breath and in every moment.

I need only turn inward or look outward and God is there. I am made through the will of God, from its divine substance, created in God's image, as a child of God.  The Divine is in, through and around me. It is the power that holds me and all life to the planet. I am inseparable from this one life, even when I forget. As this is true for me, it is true for all. 

I speak this word of prayer for and about all of life. I notice the worldly situation, condition and circumstances that call for solutions through unity and understanding. As I open to the Divine, I surrender any thought, idea or belief in lack, limitation, separation or fear. God is my co-pilot, ever-present to inform and guide my actions. I allow the light of the Beloved to transform my fear and anger into love. I accept a growing vision of wholeness in my relationships, my community, my nation, and a world where the life on, and of this planet is cherished. I reach out into the faith community. I look for values I can agree on with those of a differing political point of view.  I start right here, inside my own heart and mind with my daily spiritual practice.

I am grateful for this shift in consciousness. I trust that this prayer is already known and done in the mind of God.

 And so it is.

 Amada Colt, RScP