A prayer for Doctors in our community
There is just one Mind, one Heart, one divine infinite
Source of all existence. It is the one healing Power, the one perfect
Intelligence and it guides all of life into perfect expression. This is the
truth of all that is formed and all that is unformed, seen and unseen. This is
the life of God the living Spirit almighty and It is eternal.
All beings everywhere are one with this one Mind, one Heart
and this includes the Doctors in our community. Each one is born of the one
perfect Intelligence that has created all of life.
From this recognition of oneness I accept for all Doctors in
our community divine guidance in every aspect of their work. I accept on their
behalf excellent listening skills, clear communication, unlimited access to
information and resources, kindness and excellent discernment. I declare that
all the support systems and institutions that are needed for Doctors to do
their healing work are fully in place. I accept peace of mind, health and
renewal for each one. I declare on their behalf that everything that supports
excellent medical and surgical care is fully available including testing
procedures, medications, equipment and personnel. I accept respect and value
for their contribution to the well-being to our community. I affirm the highest
good for all Doctors for the benefit of all and the harm of none-this or
something greater.
I celebrate this shift in awareness regarding the Doctors in
our community. I give thanks for all the healing that unfolds as a result of this prayer.
I release this Word into the Law of Mind and Spirit and let
it be so.
And So It Is
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