Sunday, January 27, 2013

Affirmative Prayer for Teenagers

Affirmative Prayer for Teenagers by Siota Belle

There is One Loving Heart that is God moving forward with exquisite sensitivity and Divine Intelligence to create and sustain all life-unified with its own Wholeness.

This Divine God Presence lives in me and is at the very center of all teens. Each of them is a unique and perfect expression of Wholeness, Love and God in action.

I claim for all teens an awakening to their innate Divine Wholeness and recognition of their unity with Spirit and all life. As teens explore new opportunities and seek to find their right place in the world - Spirit guides them to creative satisfying adventures - always providing  freedom, fulfillment and a deeper ability to love themselves and to truly know how wonderful and special they are. 

Parents, families and teachers of teens are blessed with patience, compassion, love and understanding to easily remember the Divine Perfection of these precious beings-for our teens bring the gift of wise action and expanded consciousness for the future of the planet.

Gratefully I accept these gifts and I Celebrate the expression of Spirit in Teens everywhere.

As it is spoken so it is done. I release this Word.

And so it is. 

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