Thursday, December 31, 2015

A New Year

In 2016, The Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa will be joining many other Spiritual Living Centers in the endeavor to focus on, talk about and visualize the key ideas in the The Global Vision

The Affirmative Prayer Library will be posting prayers that are in alignment with this vision as well as other topics. We hope you enjoy them.

Many Blessings to you and your loved ones. 

Here is a prayer adapted from Ernest Holmes

Believing in the liberty, security, and self-expression for all, I offer this, my prayer for our world:
I believe that Divine Intelligence governs the destiny of our world and her people, directing the thought and the activity of all who guide her affairs. I believe that success, prosperity, and happiness are the gifts of freedom and are the divine heritage of everyone. In my mind’s eye I see that it is divine guidance that enlightens the collective mind of the people of planet earth, causing each person to know that economic security may come to all without the loss of either personal freedom or individual self-expression. I believe that no one can be led to accept that freedom must be surrendered in order to insure economic security for all.

I trust that the All-Knowing Mind contains the answer to every problem which confronts our world and that every leader is directed by their Creator—and has access to the knowledge of a complete solution to every problem. This inner connection guides each one to act upon this knowledge to the end that abundance, security, and peace shall come to all.

My prayer is that spiritual democracy shall endure, guaranteeing to everyone in this country personal liberty, happiness, and self-expression.

And so it is.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Affirmative Prayer for Perfect Health

Affirmative Prayer for Perfect Health

Wholeness and well-being are the natural state of all life. The Creative Intelligence that has created the universe is fully present everywhere, all the time.

This natural wholeness and well-being is my natural state. The Creative Intelligence that has created the universe is fully active in me.

I accept that perfect health is here and now expressing in me and in my body. Every tissue, fiber and cell of my being is in perfect balance and is functioning at its highest level. I am whole. I am well.

I open to accept this truth fully in my life and I am grateful. It is a quiet joy that rises up in me with this realization

I trust the receptive nature of the Divine to respond in full to this my word. I let it be.

And So It Is

Diane Tapogna, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Peace and Joy

Affirmative Prayer for Peace and Joy

There is one Mind, one cosmic, Universal Intelligence, one Loving Spirit, the Creator of all of Life. It is this One which gives Itself to all of creation, fully and generously. Its nature is Peace and Joy.

I am an expression of this one Loving Spirit. I am one with the one Mind. My nature is Joy and Peace.

Through the Law of Mind that always responds, I declare with conviction that my life is filled with joy and peace. The energy, focus and clarity that are the gifts of the Divine, are fully present and active in my life. I am happy and free. I am engaged in living. I relax and trust the perfect unfoldment of universal love through my life. I live in partnership with the Spirit that has created me.

I give thanks for this knowledge, faith and awareness. I open to accept it fully, and I celebrate the good that unfolds from it.

I release this Word into the Creative Law and I let it be.

And So It Is

Diane Tapogna, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa


Saturday, December 12, 2015

Affirmative Prayer for Clarity

Clarity about my gifts to the world

There is one Mind, one perfect Intelligence, one pure Light of being. This One is all-knowing and ever-present. It is the Creative Presence that gives Itself to all of creation.

I am one with this one Mind. The Intelligence and Light of the Divine Presence lives in me. The Creative Presence expresses through me.

The One Divine Mind that is my mind is absolutely clear. It is the same Intelligence that guides the planets on their path that is guiding me on my path. I open to this guidance and I am clear about my gifts. I am a creative presence in this world and I give of myself in ways that nourish life. I remember that I am enough, I am worthy, I am unique and I am essential just as I am. I participate in life through the inner yearnings of my heart. The way is made clear before me by the light of the Spirit within me.

I give thanks for this new consciousness about my gifts.

I release this Word into the Law that responds by manifesting the highest good.

And So It Is

Diane Tapogna, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Wellness, Clarity and Vitality

Treatment for wellness, clarity and vitality

There is only One! One Life, One Mind, One Divine Intelligence.  God. This One is everywhere present. It is the Life force in all forms of life. It is vital, vibrant energy expressing itself in all of creation.  This One, is all powerful, loving, whole, perfect and complete.

Right where I am, the One Power and Presence of the Divine is.  I am an expression of the Divine in form. Every aspect of my being is part of the great I AM that I am.  As God is vital vibrant energy, whole perfect and complete, I am as well.

I claim and affirm a greater experience of wellness, clarity and vitality in my being. As an expression of Divine Mind, I remember that the Good of God is right where I am in every moment. I release any and all ideas of separation from this good and replace them with the knowledge that the vital and vibrant energy of the Divine supports me in all aspects of my being, always. 

With a grateful heart for remembering this truth for an about the I AM that I am.

I release this my word into the law, that aspect of the Divine, which has already said yes and is conspiring for good and greater good on my behalf.

Susan Robinson, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Affirmative Prayer for Patience and Acceptance

 Patience and Acceptance

Everything is Divine.  The Presence of one almighty, invincible, infallible Spirit fills all life with It's own essence.  This essence is perfect love, unconditional love.  This essence is constant in love and constantly expressing love.

The essence of Spirit is what gives me life.  I am the presence of this One within a unique design I know as self.  There are many forms, many “selfs,” many unique designs and all are expressions of the One.

Knowing this to be true, I recognize this Presence within all people, all life.  I understand that every face I encounter is the face of Spirit, the face of God.  I know the Great Spirit that I call God loves It's own creation.  Spirit/God is patient to let every unique design grow and evolve at whatever pace it chooses for its self.  The Spirit's love for all the selfs of It's creation is infallible, perfect, constant. 

This is the love that lives within me. The patience of God abides within my own soul. This great love is the source of my patience as I allow the world to be just what it is.  I accept the truth of my own evolution, I am expanding.  The realization of my own goodness and value increases every moment. I eternally progress in awareness of my own divine nature and the divinity of all people of all life.  Evolution may appear as chaos, loss and even disaster, but the Truth of life’s Divine nature endures as the perfection of Life reveals Itself.  I see that Truth now, I see beyond appearances to the perfect gift of Love and eternal infinite Life.

The love and approval Spirit has for It's own creation is alive within me and fills my heart with hope as I release the word into the Law of divine Principle, which always responds with the affirmative action of Love.

For so it is.

Sherry Vierra, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Affirmative Prayer for Family Relationships

Family Relationships

Spirit is without beginning and has no end. It is the eternal action of love expressing in everything always present. This Presence is the light of wisdom, the glory of life, the sweet comfort of love and the hand in which all things are held.

I am held in this divine hand and I am the substance of it. I am created by Love, for Love, as Love. This is the truth of my being, Spirit is present right here and right now as me. I know this to be my truth and the truth for everyone, everywhere, always.

This knowledge fills me with the courage to be love in every circumstance with all people. I know my family to be Spirit present with me in human form. I am filled with peace and patience because I know that the Presence of Spirit cannot be obliterated or diminished by any action. There are many lessons for me to learn from my family and I embrace them. I accept what comes knowing that all comes from the creative and eternal action of love. I release my fears, I allow my family to make their own choices. I trust that all paths lead us to the love that created us. I do not put my trust in my own understanding but in the infinite, eternal love of Spirit. 

This trust fills me with joy, and I rest with peace in my heart as I release the word into the creative hand of the loving Law.
And so it is.

Sherry Vierra, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Saturday, November 14, 2015


Treatment for Forgiveness…

One.  One Life, One Mind, One perfection, in, through and as all Life.  This One is the eternal presence of peace, kindness, and love.  All of life springs forth from this One for it is both Creator and all of Creation. 

I am a divine expression of this One in form.  All the aspects of the Divine are alive within me, as me and express through my being now and always.

As I remember this truth I open to a place of self-forgiveness.  I release all ideas of wrong doing, less than, or incompleteness.  By means of this prayer, I remember that I can never be separated from my Good, my God.  I affirm I am always supported and supplied by a loving presence that knows only my highest good, even when I forget.  I claim the qualities of clarity, wholeness, ease, balance, calm, compassion and love for I know they are my birthright as an expression of God.  I declare a return to a vibrant state of being that expresses peace, kindness and love in all thought and all activity.

It is from a deep place of gratitude that I give thanks for this shift in consciousness.

I release this my word, unto the Law of Mind knowing it is received and acted upon immediately.  For this or something even greater is being demonstrated in my life right now.  All is well. 
And so it is.

Susan Robinson, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Saturday, November 7, 2015

A Prayer for New Life

A Prayer for New Life

The pulse of this universe continues eternally, and its breath is my breath now.  This pulsation reminds me that there is something at work here beyond full comprehension; its powerful creative process timelessly continues one heartbeat at a time.   

I include in this prayer all new life as it emerges from this creative mystery, its elements made of recycled star dust, billions of years in the making.  New life emerging one cell division at a time follows the pattern of the universe, radiant, beautiful, intelligent, and perfect.  Each cell smiles with this new life as it continues to grow.

The miracle of this life with all its complexity and appearances, reminds me to see the real joy, awe, and amazement that is here in every situation.  This new life holds the hope and promise of the future; it comes preprogramed to have infinite possibilities, well equipped to face the challenges of its lifetime.  And as life begins over and over again, this miracle that creates unique expressions of its divine self, rejoices in its unique creations, each one perfect as is.

Affirming all is well, I bless this time of incubation where hearts beat in unison, in love, and expectancy, awaiting the greater yet to be.  This prayer goes out to all new life infusing it with peace, harmony, love, and joy.   And all those that nurture this life are blessed by its loving expression.

Letting go and releasing this word of prayer, I relax in great faith that the laws of the universe are already working to make it so perfectly.

Andra Sandberg, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Saturday, October 24, 2015

To Keep My Heart Open

To Keep My Heart Open

There is one loving Spirit. The heart of all creation is the expression of this unconditional love.
The only power is the healing power of absolute love. Love that is given freely and fully to all of creation.

I am made up of and animated by this love. It is the very essence of my being. All of my life-my inner life and my outer life- is an expression of this cosmic love.

I accept that my heart remains open in the face of relationship challenges. I am kind-kind to the other person and kind to myself. I rise up to see the bigger picture. I release all blame and all assumptions. I release all unforgiveness and all expectations. I come to live more fully in the present moment and I bring forth the natural openness, the natural harmony that exists in every relationship. I am patient, I persevere. I am honest with myself regarding my part in any conflict. I am willing to change. I bring acceptance, attention and good will to all interactions. I allow the Divine to guide me in all my relations. I release all old patterns and step into a more full expression of openheartedness. I accept this good  as already present in me and in all my relationships. I know oneness is the absolute truth of all interactions.

I give thanks for this deeper realization of my open heart. 

I trust the Law to work on my behalf, creating the highest good.

And So It Is

Diane Tapogna, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Affirmative Prayer for Being Open to Good

Mother Father God, the Source of all beingness, always acting on behalf of all that is. This everywhere present vibration of Love creates anew in each moment. Nothing is outside of it, All is enfolded in Its Divine Embrace.

It naturally follows that I am made of this God Stuff, it is the Source of my existence. I am inseparable from this Infinite Love that abides within around and as me; I am an individual expression of It. I am abundantly sustained, comforted, lifted up and inspired through Its inherent presence. As a child of God there is no place I end and the rest of Life and Good begins.

From this awareness, in the midst of whatever is “up” for me, I claim an expansiveness that reaches out in reverence and joy at the center of however Life shows up. I open to this palpable creative Presence to carry and guide me through each moment. I slow down to savor the moment, and allow the Good that wants to come through me. I recognize a growing ease, compassion and understanding in Life’s situations, conditions and circumstances. I am guided to what is mine to do. I more easily release attachment to outcome, trusting in the Universe with Its Infinite Intelligence and Potential to unfold in creative life affirming ways---for the Highest Good in my life , loved ones, and in the lives of All that I pray for and about.

 I am so blessed and grateful in this knowing, remembering this Spiritual Truth for and about myself, all beings and every aspect of this One Life.

I rest in the Beloved’s Embrace, where my word, this prayer, is already known and done in the heart and mind of God. And so it is.

Amada Colt, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living


Saturday, October 10, 2015

Affirmative Prayer for Healthy Eating

Healthy Eating

The abundance of nature and its life giving sustenance is unending. There is a harmony, intelligence and order to all of life. Generous and nourishing is the love of Spirit. Life creates form out of its impulsion to create and that which it creates is all-good.

I am one with this creative process, One with this flow of good, One with this abundance and harmony.

Because I am a natural outpouring of God's love in form, I naturally and easily am attracted to healthy eating. All of the colors, tastes and smells of healthy foods bring me into alignment with my own healthy expression. I celebrate the bounty of this earth by making wise choices. My commitment to health is a manifestation of my love for the Divine within me.

Thanks be to Life for this great healing realization that guides me to my greatest expression.

I trust it to come to fruition in my life.

And So It Is

Diane Tapogna, RScP
Center For Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

#AWorldThatWorksforEveryone, #AGlobalVision

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Honoring the Earth

Honoring the Earth

There is one power that is undefeatable, eternal and infinite. It is the power I call Spirit, it is the power of love.  All of the cosmos is the essence of this one power, one unified life, one great Spirit, one love that is manifest in all.  The earth, the sun, the moon and the stars are all glorious reflections of the heart and mind of Spirit. This self-sustaining Spirit communes with Itself through all life.  The wisdom, beauty, joy and love of this great unseen One is living as all that is and loving all that is. 

Spirit lives within me, observing It's own great creation through me.  Spirit celebrates and honors It's own life in and as me, we are one.  I am unified with all that is.  I am created from the very elements of the earth, the good and glorious earth and I are one in Spirit and one in element.

I honor the earth and all it contains, I respect and guard all life.  I accept my responsibility to choose to guard the bountiful resources of the earth.  I treasure water, air, soil and all life forms and do not squander them.  I recognize that I am nourished by Spirit through the gifts of the earth and filled with all the good that I was born to receive.  The earth shares her ancient knowledge and spiritual wisdom with me through her beauty and her bounty. I treasure these gifts and return them with good stewardship and love.  I am mindful of my part in preserving, respecting and honoring all the resources of Mother Nature and take responsibility for my role in protecting this bounty.  I do what I can with peace in my heart.  I know that Love is creative and I choose to love all life, even unconscious life, with equanimity.  I trust in a world that works for everyone and everyone that works for the world.  I know the work I am called to is simply and profoundly to love.

My heart is filled with peace, and my mind and heart with joy and hope, as I speak the beauty of this Truth into the Law of creation, the Law of love knowing that it is so.  And so it is.

Sherry Vierra, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa


Saturday, September 26, 2015

Affirmative Prayer for Fulfilling Work

Purpose:  to be doing creative, fulfilling work as all my financial needs are met

Recognition:  There is One Life.  That Life is God’s Life, the Creative Energy and Intelligence out of which arises all that is.  It is everywhere present, in, around, through and as everything.  It is a field of Love and Light, emanating Joy, Wisdom, Harmony, Wholeness and Abundance.  There is nothing outside of God, the One eternal, infinite, changeless Allness.

Unification:  This One Life is my life, now and forever.  I am an inseparable part of the Creative Intelligence I call God.  I am never outside of God, nor is God ever outside of me.  It lives as me, It shines through me, It expresses joy, wisdom and abundance within me.  I am one with the Love, the Light and the Wholeness.

Realization:  I accept an ever-increasing experience of creativity flowing through me in service to Life.  I am engaged in creative, fulfilling work that is spiritually, emotionally and financially satisfying.  I love what I do and find it fun, easy and rewarding.  Because all is God, all that I do stems from and merges into the Divine Mind, resulting in greater joy, wisdom, abundance and wholeness.  I allow Life to express fully through me and know that as I listen for and trust my inner wisdom, that voice of Spirit inside me, all my needs are met beyond my wildest imaginings.

Thanksgiving:  With a happy heart, I give thanks for this shift in consciousness of my place in God.  I welcome with gratitude the demonstration of God’s Love in my work and in my financial affairs.

Release:  I release my Word to the Law of the One Mind, knowing that It can only say ‘yes.’  I let it be so and so it is.

Helen Graves, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

#aworldthatworksforeveryone  #theglobalvision

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Affirmative Prayer for Financial Abundance

 Affirmative Prayer for Financial Abundance

Recognition:  God is the one Infinite Intelligence operating in the Universe, out of which everything else arises.  There is nowhere and no thing that God is not.  God is love, God is wholeness, God is beauty, creativity, peace and abundance.  God is the Divine Source that created and sustains Life, showing Itself in the beauty of a rainbow, the innovation of a new idea, the love in a baby’s smile, the industry and cooperation of a beehive, the profusion of color in a meadow.  God is that ineffable Presence that gives unique life to each form and thought, even as the compilation forms a grand unity. 

Unification:  God is the Power and Presence within me, giving me life, forever embracing me in love and light.  I am in the midst of God and God is in the midst of me.  God is my source and my supply.  All that is, all that I have, all that I do is God expressing Its evolutionary desire through and as me. 

Realization:  As I open my heart and mind to greater awareness of my “godness,” my life expands and blossoms like a flower opening in the warmth of Spring’s loving sunrays.  I experience more love, more happiness, more creativity, more success.  Because I know there is never a shortage of God, I know there is always more of every good thing.  Abundance is spelled G-O-D and my cup is overflowing.  My bank accounts are full, my debts nonexistent, I have money to share and money to spare.  I am a member in good standing of the Divine Givers and Receivers Club!

Thanksgiving:  With a heart full of light, I give thanks for this knowing.  I give thanks for the shift in consciousness that demonstrates as financial abundance.  I give thanks for the love and support I feel all around that makes way for my truth to unfold as my reality.

Release:  In gratitude, I release my word to the Law of the One Mind, that Law that knows only ‘yes,’ that Law that receives my thought and acts upon it without hesitation.  It is done and I accept it.  And so it is.

Helen Graves, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living Santa Rosa
#aworldthatworksforeveryone  #theglobalvision

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Affirmative Prayer for Parents and Families with Special Children

For Parents and Families with Special Children

With deep gratitude I recognize the One, Father-Mother-God, the womb of all creation. This one loving Presence sustains, lifts up, weaves all into Its sacred Wholeness. This One Heart, this Divine Pulse of love knows Itself in, around and through All, eternally giving itself to Creation. It moves the invisible into and out of form, It transforms, creating anew in each moment. This powerful movement of Consciousness celebrates all awakening to Itself, everywhere present.  It gathers all into Its embrace, cherishing, leaving nothing out.

This is what I am made of. I am an instrument of the Divine, a vessel of Divine Substance, created on purpose, a child of God. As this is true for me this is true for every parent and every child, reflecting Mother-Father-God’s devotion and love for Creation, embodying the Divine Relationship. Each is a vessel and instrument of the One, with invisible yet palpable tendrils of love and compassion weaving all aspects of this Universe into Its Wholeness.  There is no place where one part of this Whole ends and the next aspect begins. All beingness unfolds seamlessly, is whole, perfect and complete within the heart and consciousness of the Beloved.

From this awareness I speak my word for and about all parents and children, recognizing those dear ones that come through us with special needs and gifts. I honor the Sacred within these relationships, hearts breaking open to a greater experience of love and compassion, while navigating unexpected and uncharted paths. There is a growing trust and confidence in the wisdom of the heart.
I welcome a surrender and release of any unhelpful, thought, idea or belief. I remember that we are all here on purpose, by Divine appointment, unfolding in perfect right relationship.   I accept a greater experience of ease, calm, and even humor, when others offer unsought, and possibly uninformed parental advice and  judgments.  

I claim for these families a deepening experience  of being at Home in the Beloved in the midst of all condition, situation and circumstance, being lifted up by that which sustains even when the cup appears empty. Compassion is given and received. Parents are more forgiving and kinder to themselves.  I accept a growing demonstration of support and guidance for parents and families of special children. For these special parents I claim a willingness to receive self-care, respite, joy and laughter---allowing it to express more fully in the daily fabric of life.  I declare an opening for like-minded parents and families to meet and support one another, allow themselves to rest, play and share from the heart, lifting each other up. 

I am grateful for knowing this Truth. With absolute trust in the power of prayer, it is known and done.   And so it is.

Amada Colt RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Affirmative Prayer for Financial Stability

Affirmative Prayer for Financial Stability

There is one unifying Life Force, one Creative Power that lives at the heart of all of Life. It is abundant, It is generous. It is the great Giver of Life. This Life Force is infinite in Its reach and eternal in Its nature. It reaches into every life, giving Its gifts fully to all.

I am a part of this one Life and this Life Force, this Creative Power is present fully in my life. I am one with the abundance and generosity of Life Itself.

I accept for myself complete financial stability. I enter into the awareness that the one Life Force, the one Creative Power is fully active in me and is acting though me. I open to accept the gift of 
abundance that is given so freely and so generously to me by that which has created me. I cooperate with the natural laws of the universe as I train my mind to see the good in everything and everyone. When I am conscious of this good, I become naturally wealthy. The riches of life are mine to claim. I take action where action is needed, and I rest in the faith that my life is unfolding perfectly. The abundance of the Universe is mine to enjoy.

I celebrate this truth about my life, accepting financial stability as my new normal.

I release this Word into the Creative Medium that returns the most positive results.

And So It Is
Diane Tapogna, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

#AWorldThatWorksforEveryone #AGlobalVision

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Affirmative Prayer for Relationships

Purpose:  To comprehend that my relationships are my contact with God in flesh.

Recognition:  All life is an out-picturing of the love, beauty, power, grace, peace and infinite intelligence of the One Life.  This One is present in everything, experiencing Itself as everything.  It is the essence of love and the substance of It's own being, all being.  Every relationship is the One in relationship with Itself.  It is the great I Am, the great All, the great We.

Unification:  This One Life is my life, I am We.  At the center of my self is the great and only Self.  I know this One as me.  I know It also as All.  I am held within the eternal We.

Realization: Every relationship I have is a relationship with the holy One.  I know and experience this One in every relationship.  I realize that to see holiness is to experience holiness.  I release any judgment or condemnation I have of any human being.  I know that each and every human is God in flesh and blood.  My relationships, all of them, are my opportunities to bow before God.  Everything I give returns to me.  I choose to give love, I choose to serve God in the flesh and blood of my relationships.  I release any need for appreciation or recognition from others because I trust that God is present, always, everywhere, in everything.

Gratitude and Release:  This knowledge fills my heart with gratitude and my mind with peace as I release my word of truth into that great Law of infinite Yes, of infinite Love.

And so it is.

Sherry Vierra
Center For Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Ever-present Good

Ever-present Good

All there is, right here and now is this One loving Presence, enveloping everything in Its Divine Embrace. It lifts up, as the root and foundation of all beingness. It is both the armor, and the alchemy that dissolves it.  It is  that which brings the invisible into form,  the movement of consciousness, Infinite Potential pouring Itself into every vessel. It is the Source of all,  the breath and heartbeat of everything seen or unseen, known or unknown. It expresses as the joy, vitality and rhythm of Life; the whole, perfect and complete fitting together, the breath and heartbeat of all that is.

It vibrates through me, resounds as me in every aspect of my beingness, because I am inextricably created from this God Stuff, an individual expression of It, showing up as a unique package with Divine gifts and tendencies, inseparable from the Divine, here on purpose. I have no edges, I am immersed in this Life, Love and Presence of  the One.

From this place of wholeness I accept an awareness that Mother-Father-God is always acting on my behalf, never absent, with me in all things.  I release whatever is unhelpful or contrary to my good. I surrender as the Divine perfectly removes  what is not useful.  I accept Spirit’s support and  guidance, I open to a deeper experience of the Divine’s unbounded Good.  I trust my heart-body connection, as it directs me to what makes me most happy. I embody the idea that the Universe is completely for me, and marvel at the daily demonstrations. Divine coincidence and synchronicity abound! I more easily see beyond appearances, remembering situation, condition and circumstance are temporal. The Truth, everpresent beneath the surface, behind the veil, is being called forward passionately, irresistibly from that deep knowing within me. I release my attachment to outcome; I trust in this unlimited  Good, in the perfect  unfolding of Infinite Potential.

I am abundantly blessed and grateful for this knowing of Spiritual Truth.  I rest in the Goodness of God.  

I release my word into the heart and mind of the One, where it is already known and done.  And so it is.  Amen.

Amada Colt,  RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Affirmative Prayer for Physical Well-Being

 Affirmative Prayer for Physical Well-Being
     There is only the One, the All of everything.  This All of all is the power, beauty, harmony and strength that created and lives in and as this magnificent abundant universe. Everything that is reflects the glory of the One.

      This One thing is what I am.  It is me, lives as me, I am a manifestation of the magnificent and perfect All of all.  God is ever and always expressing Itself in me, all of the perfection that is what God is, lives within me.  I touch my flesh and I feel the substance of God.  My eyes are the glory of God, created to behold Its own beauty and magnificence.  God and I are One.

      Because I know who and what I am, I trust in my own physical perfection.  I release my notions of separation, of vulnerability, of aging and loss.  I do not fret over what I eat or drink, I do not depend on my lifestyle or my genetics to keep me healthy.  I care for my body, I love and appreciate my body but I know my health does not come from my body or anything I put into it or don't put into it!  My health is my God, my life, my spirit, my well-being is guaranteed because I know, God and I are one in being and in spirit.  Gods perfection, harmony, beauty, strength and power all live here, within this unique expression of Itself. 

      I am filled to overflowing with gratitude and relief for the knowledge of my forever safe harbor.  I am so thankful to be free from worry and concern.  I dance in the thrill of trust that I have in the everlasting love of God.

      And so with trust that comes from knowing the faithfulness and power of God, I release this word into the Law of God that is always and forever saying Yes, Yes, whatever you choose...Yes.

Sherry Vierra
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Safety for all Firefighters

Safety for all Firefighters

There is one perfect divine intelligence guiding all of life into its most beautiful expression. It is the only power and it is the power of good. This great protector, the loving Spirit almighty, oversees all of life.

All people everywhere are one with this perfection, one with this power for good. Therefore, all firefighters are one with the loving Spirit that has created them.

I accept for all firefighters an abundance of safety, protection, divine guidance and perfect right action. I declare that all of the tools and all of the resources that are needed are fully available including food, water, clean air, rest and health care. All needs are met by the very source of life itself. I  accept excellent organization, full support and clear communication for every maneuver. I affirm that the process of firefighting is safe, effective and supported. I claim that the love ones of each firefighter are reassured by good communication. I accept that people, homes and the forests are safe. I declare that there is a swift end to each fire, and a reprieve for all involved.

I give thanks for the realization that it is the perfection of the loving Spirit that it guiding and protecting firefighters everywhere.

I release this prayer into the natural Law of the universe, knowing it is manifesting fully.

And So It Is. 
Diane Tapogna, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

#AWorldThatWorksforEveryone, #AGlobalVision

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Affirmative Prayer for Freedom from Debt

Affirmative Prayer for Freedom from Debt

The infinite, loving Spirit is the source of all of life. Its great goodness flows abundantly, leaving nothing out. Generous and free, this loving Spirit meets every need. All life unfolds in perfect order, according to the universal intelligence.

Each and every person and each and every situation is a part of this universal perfection. Therefore I am one with this perfection, one with the flow of abundance, one with the source of life.

I accept for myself and my family, complete freedom from debt. I accept that all needs are met and that all bills are paid by the overflowing abundance in my life. I take action where action is needed. I place my trust in the Divine to guide me at every turn. There is an expansive quality to my life and I open to receive an unlimited supply of good. Divine order prevails over every transaction and every communication.  I meet every responsibility with gratitude and joy in my heart.

I cherish the freedom that this new awareness brings. I give thanks for the constant source and supply of good in my life.

I release this Word into the Creative Law, accepting its full manifestation in my experience.

And So It Is

Diane Tapogna, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa
#AWorldThatWorksforEveryone, #AGlobalVision

Saturday, July 25, 2015

For the Love of Spirit

Purpose:  To fuel the fire of love that I have for Spirit.  To experience the presence of Presence.

Realization:  Spirit is all there is.  One essence, One substance, many forms yet undivided, Spirit is all.  This divine essence of this great All is Love.  Perfect Love, passionate Love, creative Love, unconditional and undivided Love.  Spirit is the Presence that brings life and love to all that is.

Unification:  I am the essence of Love, created by the One for Its divine mission of expressing and experiencing Its own perfect Love.  I am Spirit in one of Its many forms.  Spirit abides within me, always as the perfect eternal Love that It is.  The Presence of Spirit is here as me.

Recognition: I recognize Spirit as my creator and the Lover of my soul. As I remember and recognize this divine truth, my heart expands and I feel the Presence of Love that lives within me.  I embrace this Love and know that I am embraced by It.  Perfect Love, passionate Love, creative and unconditional Love are mine because Spirit has given Itself to me.  Spirit has withheld nothing from me.  All that Spirit is, Spirit gives.  The Presence of Spirit makes Itself know to me.  I open the eyes of my soul and look for this divine unseen and find It alive, always present within me.  My heart expands, my love expands, I experience the divine Love of Spirit in me, through me and as me.

Thanksgiving:  The realization of this great Love fills my heart with gratitude, and I rest in this divine embrace as I......

Release:  release my word into the loving, Self-giving creative action of the perfect Law of Love.  Amen

Sherry Vierra
Center for Spiritual Living Santa Rosa

#aworldthatworksforeveryone  #theglobalvision

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Affirmative Prayer for Deep Connection to Spirit

Breathing in, I know that there is only one Life, one Presence, one Mind flowing in and through everything.  Breathing out, I know this presence is the source of all that is – all love, all light, all wisdom, all compassion, all creativity, all peace, all joy.  It has no beginning and no end; It is eternal, limitless and everywhere present.  It is the Infinite Intelligence that gives rise to all creation, and all creation is made of, from and by this Divine Presence.

My very breath is the Presence within me, flowing in and through my body, permeating and connecting each cell, organ and system, and flowing out into the atmosphere, connecting me to the world of my experience.   As I wrap myself in this knowing, I breathe in the love, I breathe out the love.  I breathe in the peace, I breathe out the peace.  I breathe in the joy, creativity and abundance.  I breathe it out, and know that there is no separation at any point nor at any time.  There is only oneness and I am a part of it!

I remember and declare that Infinite Love, Infinite Well Being and Infinite Abundance are my true nature, my true experience, the only reality.  I accept, in complete certainty, the truth of God: there is only love, wholeness and perfection.  I allow any mistaken thought of lack, limitation or dis-ease to melt away as shadows melt away in the bright light of day.  The bright light of Truth is that I am a spark of the Divine and a beautiful, unique expression of the love, well being and abundance of Its divinity.  I allow my experience to reflect perfect happiness, perfect abundance, perfect well-being.  Everything good is brought into my experience.

With a heart full of gratitude and love, I give thanks for this truth and for my ever-growing awareness of its out-picturing in my life. 

I release my Word into the law of the Universe and let God do God’s work.  And so it is.

Helen Graves
Center for Spiritual Living Santa Rosa

#aworldthatworksforeveryone  #theglobalvision

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Prayer for Grief and Loss

Prayer for Grief and Loss

Spirit is love everlasting.  Spirit is peace abiding always.  Spirit is the source of love and keeps giving all the time.  There is no beginning and there is no end to the magnificent power of Spirit.  In all places, seen and unseen, in all situations, happy or sad, in every moment of every day, Spirit is always there.  This never ending life of Spirit continues even after the walk on this earthly plane.  Even after the last breath of life as we know it, life continues.  Life continues to love and be loved. 
I am one with that Spiritual essence which is the source of my love and peace.  As I align myself closer and closer to that essence, I am clear in the knowledge that I can find peace.  I can feel that spiritual alignment within me bringing me closer to love and closer to peace. Everything I am is given by the always generous, loving hands of Spirit.  Spirit is in each breath I take and each step I take.  I am one with Spirit each moment of each day.
I claim that I move a step closer to peace with each breath.  As I remember Spirit’s love is a part of me, I remember that whatever passes away from my life is also held in loving embrace by Spirit.  I claim that I become steady and sure with the knowing that Spirit’s love guides me every step of the way. I claim that I am able to access all of Spirit’s love within me as I move through this time of grief and pain.  I declare right now a calm acceptance of what is and a new resolve continue to love and be grateful for all parts of my life.
I am so grateful to align with this truth and knowledge that Spirit is always with me.  I am grateful to stop and remember this truth through this time of prayer. And I am grateful as I open to this love and peace that is the essence of who I am.
I release my word into the law of mind where it is acted upon and made so.  And so it is.

Bette Smith, RScP

Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Affirmative Prayer for a Peaceful Neighborhood

 Affirmative Prayer for a Peaceful Neighborhood

There is a Divine Presence in, through, and around all people and circumstances.  

It is fully present now, expressing as each one of us, and in the evolution of our neighborhood.

This prayer then affirms our alignment with the peace and harmony we know to be our neighborhood.  The special spirit and character of our neighborhood is a relaxed setting where families can grow and see their dreams come true.  Elders can remain in their homes to enjoy the peace of their back yards.  Streets in our community remain quiet and traffic free.    The spirit of our neighborhood is strong, resilient, and dedicated to preserving its beauty.  We are its guardians.  And as such, we grow closer as a community, learning and persevering through it all.

Grateful that this Divine Power is at work on our behalf, the work has already been done.  So we relax now knowing all is well.

Andra Sandberg, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa
#aworldthatworksforeveryone, #theglobalvision

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Affirmative Prayer for Freedom from Unhealthy Habits

Affirmative Prayer for Freedom from Unhealthy Habits

Recognition: there is one vital creative power in the universe. It is filled with life giving energy. It lovingly shares this energy with its creation. There is nothing in life that does not receive this loving attention.

Unification: there is nothing outside of this divine creativity. All and all alike receive the bounty of creation. I know that my entire life is a miracle. As I know that is true for me, I know it is true for all. And so I remember this right now for everyone.

Realization: and so I accept for everyone reading this prayer despite whatever appearances are in life right now, that all is well. On the unseen and the seen side of life, all is well. Tiny miracles are happening everywhere. I accept that as we remain in each present moment that the miracles are visible, tangible and palpable. And so on behalf of everyone I remain centered calm with my attention focused only the present moment. I accept that the divine intelligence co creates with each one vitality, health and highest and greatest good.

Thanksgiving: and so there is nothing left to do but rest. I rest in great gratitude for getting to remember the way it works.

Release: and so I simply surrender this spiritual mind treatment to the movement and activity of the law which is already transforming energy on its behalf. And I just let it be. And so it is.

Jennifer Mann, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa
#aworldthatworksforeveryone  #theglobalvision

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Affirmative Prayer for Love in All Relationships

Love in All Relationships

God is everywhere, always, alive and active in everything at all times.  There is no ground which is not holy ground, no place that is not sacred and no person that is more of God than another.  This Presence that I call God is beauty indescribable, wisdom unfathomable, strength indestructible and love unconditional.  This is the substance and essence of life, omnipresent.  God is everlasting Love.

This holy Presence is the substance and essence of my life.  I am sacred and holy.  I am alive with the breath of God, my heart beats by the wisdom and power of  God's life which is Love.  My life, all life, is God's life, is Love in form.

I do not sleep walk through my days.  I am awake and aware of the presence of God in each moment.  I look for God in the most ordinary of things.  I see the holy mystery of Gods life in everything, all people, all circumstance and condition.  Perfection reveals Itself to me as I look; I find Love in all I see.

I honor my husband, my family, my friends, all life and I know that to the degree I honor them, I honor God.  I release judgments and expectations of others and allow them to be just as they are.  I respect and recognize the presence of Love in all people in all things.

I do not struggle against my circumstance nor do I strive for recognition.  I simply remember to love.

I am filled with joy as I abandon myself into this great Love and with my heart brimming with gratitude for this recognition.....

I release my word into the Law, the action of this great Love. 

...and so it is.

Sherry Vierra
Center for Spiritual Living Santa Rosa
#aworldthatworksforeveryone  #theglobalvision

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Swift Handling of Financial Affairs

Swift Handling of Financial Affairs

The One Mind is a source of abundant good and unlimited resources, lacking nothing and knowing the fullness of good at all times.

This One Infinite Divine Mind, which includes and encompasses all of creation, shares Its nature with all beings, everywhere. I call this one God. All are one with the One/God. All share in the qualities and characteristics of the One/God. All share in the unlimited resources of the One/God. No one is left out.

As one of God’s own, each of us is guided by Divine Intelligence to reap the benefits of divine abundance, opening to peaceful, easy and swift handling of all financial affairs. I claim for each of us the peace of the Divine in all financial dealings, as we embrace the truth of abundance and peace, which is our birthright.

I am grateful for knowing this truth, for being open to it for myself and for all others, and for trusting in the Divine Intelligence of the One to guide each of us there.

I release this creative thought to the dependable process of spiritual law, knowing that it is true, it is accepted, it is done, and all is well.

Brenda Kobrin, RcSP
Center for Spiritual Living Santa Rosa

#aworldthatworksforeveryone  #theglobalvision

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Affirmative Prayer for Comfortable and Happy Travel

Prayer for Comfortable and Happy Travel

There is one life, one God, universally available to all, present in all places. This Presence is joy, connection, and love.

This presence moves through me, becomes me, and its power opens my mind and heart.
 I bring Spirit everywhere I go and it opens me to the experience of happy and safe travel.

And so I am affirming:
All transport flows with ease, and where travel challenges occur, they are easily facilitated and resolved.
I leave my family, home, and pets in the care of perfect guardians and I arrive to a welcoming and comfortable vacation space.
My body quickly adjusts to new time zones, allowing peaceful and restorative sleep.
I celebrate with friends and family; each unique expression of grace and generosity increases my joy.
I feel blessed by this journey, and I return home refreshed and filled with love.

I lean in to this truth with gratitude, knowing that my whole journey is supported by spiritual principles.

And so it is, Amen.  

Adrianne Bowes, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Harmony at Home

Harmony at Home

There is a universal harmony that presides over all of Life. It is the one divine perfection that orchestrates all relationships. Its nature is Love and Peace. Spirit is at home in the heart of all beings.

This divine harmony is present in all beings and in all circumstances and situations. Therefor it is present in my home and in all those I live with.

I accept divine harmony in my home. All of my relationships with family members (room-mates) are guided by love and grounded in peace. All communications are kind and respectful. Each person does their fair share and goes above and beyond to make this home a safe and comfortable refuge. I accept healing and forgiveness as the natural state of living together.

I give thanks for this revelation of the truth about my home and the presence of unlimited harmony.

I release this Word into the Law of Creation, allowing to manifest fully.

And So It Is.

Diane Tapogna, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

#AWorldThatWorksforEveryone #AGlobalVision

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Respect and Peace in the Neighborhood

Peace and Respect in the Neighborhood

There is one loving Spirit, one guiding presence one perfect Life. This one loving Spirit is the great protector and the great provider. Peace is the nature and expression of the Spirit. Life is continuously remaking itself out of this perfection.

All neighborhoods everywhere are a part of the one perfect life. The peace of the living Spirit is at the heart of all beings and at the core of every neighborhood.

I accept for my neighborhood and all neighborhoods everywhere that the Peace of the living, loving Spirit prevails. All the resources that are needed to create a safe, respectful environment are provided. Each person finds their unique way to contribute to the peace and respect in the neighborhood. I accept loving, kind actions on the part of all who live in community. I accept this good as the natural order of things. We are safe in our homes and our communities. Our bodies, our property, our children, the animals and the environment are all safe and protected. I renew my trust in my neighbors and all those who pass through my neighborhood.

I give thanks for the truth of this my Word and I trust its full manifestation in my life.

And So It Is.
Diane Tapogna, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa
#AWorldThatWorksforEveryone #AGlobalVision

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Affirmative Prayer for More than Enough Time

More than enough time

There is one endless, timeless Presence. It is the essence of all creation. It is infinite and eternal, without beginning and without end. The great Giver of life is present and available to all beings all the time. Limitless abundance and unconditional love are Its gifts, so freely given. This is the absolute and universal nature of the Supreme Being.

I am included in the life of this one Presence, this one Life.

I accept that there is an absolute abundance of time. There is more than enough time for all activities, for all rest. I relax and trust the perfect unfolding of life. I allow life to have its own rhythm and timing. I cooperate with the natural pace of the Spirit. I am guided and supported by the timeless Presence, the Supreme Being. I release all sense of hurry and worry and place my trust in Life’s perfection. Limitless abundance and unconditional love are mine now. 

I am grateful for this gift of awareness of the Truth about life. I am relaxed and I celebrate the abundance of time in my life.

I release all holding and entrust this my Word into that great Giver of Life. I let it be as it already is. I accept it, I embrace it. I allow it.

And So It Is.

Diane Tapogna, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa
#AWorldThatWorksforEveryone #AGlobalVision

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Affirmative Prayer for Baltimore

Affirmative Prayer for Baltimore  

There is this One presence enveloping all in it’s loving embrace.  Nothing is outside of it, it is all inclusive.  Everything known and unknown , seen and unseen is invisibly woven together.  It is that Power which moves the substance of Life in and out of form, recreating, transforming anew in each moment, it is the breath and heartbeat of All that is. The infinite source and supply of compassion and peace is 100 % available, knowing Itself through all of Creation, always conspiring on behalf of Its creation for the greatest good.

It being everything,  I know that I  too am made of this God stuff. As this is true for me this is true for the citizens of Baltimore,  true for all humankind,  for all aspects of Creation.  All are within this One Life, there is no separation, no place where one part of Life ends and the next begins, we are one whole, connected,  living expression of Spirit.

In this acknowledgment of wholeness, I claim a remembering that when any part of our body is injured it effects the whole, and the rest of the body sets about healing, bringing it into wholeness, balance and harmony. This is the divine design of all beingness.  Right now, in this very moment, I recognize a willingness to release and surrender any thought, idea or belief that is contrary to the good of all concerned, allowing a  bigger space to create anew, to trust and allow the shift in healing consciousness that is already unfolding. 

I recognize that beyond the appearance of lack, limitation and separation our inherent nature is being called forth to support and express understanding, love, peace and inclusiveness.   There is a growing atmosphere where sharp edges and rigid thinking soften, where there is a greater experience of understanding and justice .  I claim   an opening  to  ease and comfort as  injuries and broken places begin to heal and mend within each heart and the community.  Our brothers and sisters in Baltimore and around the world come together  with lives grounded in Faith, enfolded in Peace and a growing confidence in the power of Love and a world that works for everyone.    I celebrate and accept this divine configuration of robust  healing; knowing it is Truth revealing with infinite possibility  for Good. 

With deep  love and assuredness,  I  rest in this Truth for and about the community of Baltimore.

I release my Word into the heart and mind of the One where it is already known and done.   And so it is.      Amen 

Amada Colt RScP

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Peace in Baltimore

Peace in Baltimore

One Life is the Source of All-peace,compassion, wisdom, love. It shares its essence and breath with all beings and is present everywhere.

I am one with this Truth; as are all  people in  Baltimore they are the perfect expression of Spirit's  wisdom, peace, compassion and love.

I claim that everyone in Baltimore is guided and held  by Spirit in deep ease and calm.  An infinite good and peaceful outcome unfold instantly for all.
Peace is within and around everyone in Baltimore:easy resolution of all situations, new opportunities and ideal communication manifest now and always.

Divine Intelligence heals all and moves everything forward  so that all is well and good in Baltimore, in Maryland and in the world. 

I say "yes".  This is the Truth.  I celebrate it in my heart. I am thankful for this new consciousness and change.

I release this Word and it is done.

And so it is, Amen.   

Siota Belle, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa
#aworldthatworksforeveryone, #theglobalvision

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Affirmative Prayer for Relief Efforts

Affirmative Prayer for Relief Efforts

There is one gracious, giving, loving Presence. It is the Presence of that which has created all of life. This Presence is the only power. It is the force of love and generosity. It is the great supplier and protector for all of life. Unity and Harmony prevail.

All beings everywhere are the recipients of this great generosity, this creative power. All beings are united in the Divine Unity and Harmony of the one Presence.

I accept for all relief efforts that there is a generous outpouring of financial resources. That all of the goods and all of the services that are needed find their way to all of those in need. I accept that there are more than enough personnel for the smooth running of every camp and every relief station. Accept safety and protection for all involved. I affirm that love is the motive power, bringing people together for this effort. I affirm that families are reunited and those who have lost loved ones are comforted. I declare that there is more than enough clean water, food, shelter, sanitation, and health care for all those present. I affirm that peace, harmony and order prevail over every operation.

I allow myself to find a moment of serenity as I place my confidence in this declaration of the unity and harmony of life. I am grateful to all those who  give and all those who serve. I celebrate the Divine Unity that brings relief to those in need.

I surrender this Word of prayer into the receptive nature of the Divine One, accepting in as already set in motion.

And So It Is.
Diane Tapogna, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

#AWorldThatWorksforEveryone #AGlobalVision

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Prayer for a Healthy Baby

Healthy Baby

There is a divine perfection that is all-inclusive. It is the creative power behind all of life. The pure intelligence of the Living Spirit gives Itself to all of creation. Its nature and its gift is Love. Unconditional, unlimited Love. Wholeness and health are everywhere present.  Support and joy abound.

All beings everywhere are one with this divine perfection. This includes this newborn baby. This baby is one with the Living Spirit. One with its love, one with its wholeness and health.

I accept that this baby is a perfect expression of the creative power of the divine One. I declare that this baby is filled with love and surrounded by love. Health and wholeness are complete in this baby. This baby is surrounded by loving family. All needs are met by the source of all of life. Perfect growth, unlimited protection, joyous expression all are present for this baby. There is no limit to the goodness in the life of this baby.

I give thanks for the perfect gift of life expressing as this new baby. I celebrate the love that abounds in baby’s life.

I trust the Living Spirit to create, provide and manifest the highest and best in the life of this baby.

Diane Tapogna, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa
#AWorldThatWorksforEveryone #TheGlobalVision